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Everything posted by Boatdrinks

  1. Cool. I mean, I don’t hate it. No reason the NBA should have that day all to itself sports-wise.
  2. There will be some who do ( I would not ), but I’m not saddened by it. Folks can decide for themselves what they are willing to pay for entertainment, such as attending professional sports events. That includes how to pay for it, and perhaps that type of loan will work for them. Buy low, sell high.
  3. General ticket revenue is split with the visiting team. Suite revenue stays with the home club. The other owners do have an interest.
  4. Didn’t say he was ruined by EJ, but the team wasn’t a contender. That made the move more questionable. Watkins didn’t live up to his billing to be certain, but that is always a risk- even in the first round. My point is that one could make an argument for a move up to snag a top WR for Allen. Still not saying I’d do it, but you could make a case for it. It was more foolish than not for an EJ led Bills team.
  5. Watkins comparisons are a bit out of place. Moving up for a WR when your QB is EJ Manuel or the like is never advisable. Not saying I’d do it, but it’s hardly apples to apples.
  6. I don’t believe so. The business model is completely different.
  7. No , it is not illegal.
  8. What’s embarrassing is a fan of a team believing they have any modicum of control over what NFL players/ teams are doing -the reality is they have no choice but acceptance.
  9. While all real estate markets are local, and all locales have real estate , not every city has the NFL. Only 30 cities have an NFL team - or two - that call it home. So the NFL doesn’t consider it’s product to be like real estate, and it isn’t. It’s the pinnacle of big time sports , and that brings with it a certain price tag. While there will be regional variations due to team popularity, performance etc, attending a game commands a certain market price. The average resale price of Bills tickets has been brought up in this thread, and it shows that the product has been undervalued locally. Much of this is due to the antiquated stadium. That’s changing and so is the pricing structure. The ticket game has changed greatly over the years , and brokers control much of it. They will almost certainly end up with many of these PSL’s. The Bills ticket market is going to be brought up to date with the rest of the NFL. It won’t be the same for fans, but that was inevitable. This shift has already happened with all professional sports as well as other entertainment such as concerts.
  10. What “ folks are these ? Do we know if there is any validity to this at all ?
  11. Sure doesn’t seem like the best roster in the league kinda stuff.
  12. Yeah unless you’re a Chiefs fan , it most certainly is.
  13. Championship !
  14. Perhaps , but then again great for his golf game. Still , as a Bills fan I hate seeing a player I like suiting up for that team.
  15. Pay a real Quarterback. Hopefully they won’t.
  16. It sure is! The Chiefs rankings also show that some fans drastically over rate this stuff and any effect is has on winning.
  17. I agree. It seems to me that Tre unfortunately is finished as a Bill. I can’t think of a starting CB that returned successfully from an Achilles injury.
  18. Exactly. The truth is, our level of patience is completely irrelevant.
  19. Don’t forget to include Butker as well. May not have happened with a lesser kicker.
  20. Defense is part of the game, but most of the rules have been changed to heavily favor offense. That just has to be a consideration with todays game. It’s just not old school anymore.
  21. Lotsa ( not so) closet Chiefs fans on this board. It’s gotten out of control now.
  22. Hahahaha. There certainly has , and the NFL was affected by it but not in that way. The NFL cap is tied to revenue. It seemingly always goes up for the NFL - the one exception was the pandemic year with no fans. That was the only time revenue ( and thusly the cap) has gone down in probably decades. NFL revenues just keep climbing year after year .
  23. Stuck in the middle with you - Stealers Wheel
  24. This ^ amazing how little attention some fans pay to the NFL salary system. The most recent extension is always higher.
  25. Yep. Most kickers have a clunker season in there somewhere. Many rebound and some never do . We’ll see what happens. Hopefully bass refurns to form
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