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Everything posted by Commsvet11

  1. Hi Doctor as you can see here are the results of the 3rd party CAP survey for Potassium which we passed and here are the QC results for the entire year on that instrument notice no results were released unless QC passed, here is a G-curve of the patient population.
  2. You go ahead and find that then best of luck
  3. There are 3rd parties like CAP that send specimens year round for MLS and instruments to run if there is a problem with the instruments that lab will fail the cap survey or if it’s a near miss then an investigation of the instruments will happen The difference between this 3rd party and you is they have the results and total allowable error
  4. Very rarely, usually it’s more human error, if my QC is out no patient results are released and previous patients are spot checked and rerun against total allowable error.
  5. A path review consult has established criteria for abnormal findings examples are abnormal cell linage, critically high or low WBC, PLT or anything the tech like me finds deserving, I call my results give the results and slide to path and they either agree with me or add in their own comments for things above my scope something tells me you don’t understand lab results which makes you a poor doctor
  6. lol you order CBC when a differential has been done for the day for example patient comes in the night before and has a CBC and Diff done the following morning when morning collection is done CBC is ordered because the diff isn’t going to be dramatically different.
  7. If you called Dr Smith or Dr Jones in pathology they would tell you to ***** off they don’t have time to deal with such a stupid request because QC is done at set times multiple times a day for instruments in laboratories, what are you going to do with that peripheral smear to determine the instrument is incorrect a WBC estimate? In this example you don’t believe the WBC is correct you miss what should be done, either redraw and rerun on a different specimen or add a diff to the cbc to check the neutrophil count for infection that’s what actual physicians do
  8. The process is more involved than that, and physicians have no control over calibration or QC in the laboratory
  9. Well for your point of care example of the Cepheid the cartridges have a reagent/master mix of nuclei acid for the specific strain, extracts and amplifies and detects the virus. I could go into more detail such as N2 and E nucleic targets but seeing how you couldn’t respond to NC posts on the subject I doubt you could comprehend
  10. As I said point of care instrument, not the thingy on the idiot proof instrument and you finally got one right “doctor” I’m guessing you had at least two malpractice suits right?
  11. See there is another tell “cassette on idiot proof instrument” that’s called a Point of Care instrument and only limited chemistry such as ionized calcium can be done, why don’t you tell us all what a sed rate is and is it clinically significant?
  12. Now Now he will just say doctors don’t need to understand that
  13. As an attending you should understand laboratory testing and results for diagnosis. Currently it doesn’t seem you do, you think Covid is a chemistry department test, Micro would have been acceptable answer more specifically in molecular or virology sub department because as a physician you should know Covid is a virus.
  14. The lab yes, but the question was which department of the laboratory? See this is why people question your credentials, you seem to lack a specific set of knowledge that most physicians would know
  15. And that Covid 19 was added to existing instruments for the Flu A/B RSV Strep testing it’s still available as a stand alone test but most physicians use the combo Covid/FluA/B RSV
  16. You know what’s interesting…..you are going to be back with Covid testing something you can’t explain right away, so do you have to ask a source or something? As a physician this information of the laboratory should be easy here is a softball question which department of the laboratory does Covid testing fall under?
  17. Well I would have the same response if it was Biden to Chinas leader. It wasn’t a money transaction, as I explained before it wasn’t really much of essential equipment, you have a world leader who is terrified of Covid it’s a pretty inexpensive goodwill gesture. You ask why not explain that well just look at the freak out on the tweet where I originally said was hyperbole. That is of course if the story is true, I myself put under plausible but I’m not trusting the Kremlin or Woodward 100% As much as it pains some posters on this board the people who are right leaning on this board are educated particularly in STEM
  18. Oh this is special, the reason your local hospitals sent out to lab corp which a reference laboratory servicing those local hospitals to begin with was because of the department of the lab that Covid falls under is usually sent out to begin with. The reason it took several days is because of batch testing you run a batch daily because of the volume of testing sent from smaller sites. It in larger hospital that already has that department it could be done in 45 minutes results in an hour. I already know NC is at a research level from former conversations, he knows exactly what I’m taking about and could take it further
  19. let’s say the story is True and Trump gave those POC instruments to Putin and makes Putin happy and doesn’t invade Ukraine that’s a pretty damn good trade
  20. POC testing that’s why, during the pandemic hospitals and reference labs didn’t buy new equipment the manufacturers piggy back on existing PCR technology , take for an example a Cepheid instrument that used PCR to detect Strep Flu A/B and RSV, the manufacturer just added a master mix cartridge for Covid-19. You read that tweet it’s like everybody had to get new equipment and Trump held back millions so people would die. Then again on this site I’m MAGA so I can’t be a MLS I can only be a stupid red neck.
  21. What do you think that makes you….
  22. oh like how you like spending a Saturday making fun of stranger online? Sounds like you spent time in a locker or two
  23. Hey everyone! Look at the “cool” kid on a 90s based social media platform making fun of people because……… of people still having wood paneling?
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