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Everything posted by Commsvet11

  1. If McDermott doesn’t pull Peterman, this game at the half, then it becomes apparent “the process” is more important than the win.
  2. Look at it this way, it won’t matter how bad the bills O-line is if every bit of contact is roughing the passer
  3. I was a commo sgt. for a line company in the infantry, that’s why I nearly took offense, and I appreciate your respect for the line commo, we may get a CAB but it’s for the same reason you got your CIB
  4. So Trump Embarasses us as a country? Okay, but you did say something along the lines of no matter what we do Haj hates us and will always hate us? Yeah it’s not just Haj, heck you can go to billzone and on the politics section the Canadians hate Americans. People not liking Americans didn’t start with Trump, and I don’t see why Americans should suffer for popularity points for other countries. Draft Dodging. I am against a draft, it’s unamerican, would you have wanted to fight next to someone who was forced to fight next to you and not of their own free will? So you call it cowardice, does that mean those who didn’t serve in military during Iraq and Afghanstan are cowards? Perhaps it’s a big deal to you but to me somebody who doesn’t want to fight in war shouldn’t have to, that’s what makes our military truly great each soldier chooses to serve and sacrifice on their own conscience. The Russia Probe hasn’t proved any Russian collusion as of yet, but every single day I read Trump is trouble, and yet ......nada on collusion. Attack on the press? Criticism is more like it, just like Obama critized FOX, really this is nothing new, at least the press in on top of a president actions, and hey he helps sell stories and ad space. I dont care if the President is crass, offensive, and a jerk, most people are crass, offensive, and a jerk all I care about is results.
  5. I haven’t seen a problem with his policies, they seem to be working, so what isn’t going well? What exactly are you predicting will happen that won’t go well?
  6. You know, I read this, and I think a bunch of politicians at a politician funeral, don’t invite the president because he isn’t in their club. That speaks volumes to me. He clearly isn’t part of that club. I actually like that.
  7. So does Charlie Brown....... before lucy takes away the football.
  8. The problem with your complaint is there has been information or data. Previously the data spoke for itself, playoff droughts, drafts, coaching turnover We don’t know if last season was an outlier, the bills did not control their own destiny into getting into the playoffs, they needed help. As for those thinking Allen is a bust, they point to his college play and scouting report, and it’s not unfounded, why, you yourself were in the Rosen camp, so who are you to criticize them for thinking he will be a bust?
  9. If not for that press conference, are you saying Whaley would still been employed as the GM? Scary thought if true.
  10. So if a soldier in uniform, which represents not the soldier individually but the U.S. Army, whom is on a military base which isn’t privately funded either, kneels during Reveille or the anthem that is okay with you right?
  11. I came from a family of 6 kids, I went to private school until third grade where the tuition was just too much for my parents to afford, to homeschooling until 9th grade when I was given the option to decide if I wanted to go to public school. I was part of a homeschooling group that got together but the other kids were just socially awkward, but there were Boy Scouts and other activities to help with that problem. I never liked being homeschooled, I think you need to learn to deal with people, because you will be dealing with people most of your life but I can see the advantages for example in college I was in class with two homeschooled high school students that were allowed to take some college elective classes like my public speaking class. It it all depends if the parent is a good teacher as well and how the student learns.
  12. My main department is chemistry, I’m not in a research lab, so all I do is report the results. I do enjoy conversations like these, societal issues that have medical implications, and conversations like today remind me to brush up on some theory I may have forgotten along the way, cheers to you.
  13. Yeah your correct, that’s my bad, most likely transmission would be breastfeeding or if there wasn’t a C-section done. That was stupid of me. And I agree carelessness is behavior but those things do happen.
  14. My answer would be yes, with one or two exception. These exceptions are HIV is what we call a retrovirus/reverse transcription virus so simply put it makes a copy of itself into your DNA. So any offspring afterwards could be infected. It it would be the parents behavior fault not the offsprings. Another case would be in the hospital, myself or one of the phlebotomist could accidentally prick ourselves by accident when drawing blood, the viral load would be small, but it could happen. One more exception is in bloodbanking department, for transfusion but it’s so rare something that big would be missed I wouldn’t include it.
  15. The nomenclature disease is synonymous to a viral infection, I mean we can split hairs about the terminology, you see it as syndrome and I see it as stage 3 in HIV.
  16. None of those kill you with a healthy immune system. Those are what we call opportunistic pathogens. That is my point the actual HIV virus isn’t what kills a person, it’s an opportunist pathogen after the immune system has been weakened. In fact Kaposi Sarcoma was an indicator that HIV was an immunosuppressive disease, elderly usually are the patients due to a weakened immune system, but young men that seemed healthy had this skin lesion. Which in turn asked the question why does a young person show an elderly patient disease.
  17. Well hopefully we continue to research it, but prevention is the best option either way.
  18. It would probably blow some folks minds that HIV/AIDS doesn’t actually kill you.
  19. So this isn’t really a thing with global warming, as it is introduction of a species where it isn’t usually endemic. Now I see your trying to go with rising temperatures but East Asia is a temperante zone, so it’s not a stretch to see a tick survive in similar conditions even if it’s not endemic to that area.
  20. Very interesting, looks like they are on their way medically.
  21. You would have to have FDA approval, along with the DEA It would be hard, but I’m sure somebody is willing to do it.
  22. It may not possess addictives, but it sure does seem hard for people to just quit, for example football players that get paid millions of dollars and still can’t pass a drug test.
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