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Everything posted by Commsvet11

  1. From one veteran to another your tirade with Trump makes you sound like a little B word
  2. I can answer this, it gives them a sense of enjoyment to tell everybody online how they despise trump and MAGA and that’s how they feel better about themselves
  3. You mentioned you have have In laws in another country I am betting You had to get a green card wife because you can’t get American *****
  4. At least our mothers loved us enough to stick around, yours must have seen into the future saw what you became and checked out.
  5. The part where the clock doesn’t start until he is sworn in as president
  6. Same type of woman who calls herself strong and independent I bet.
  7. Democrats ran a candidate that didn’t earn the nomination, it was given, and the reason it was given because the VP position was given to the same candidate after that same candidate bombed their own campaign back in 16 to appease a voting block. Then they paraded that candidate like a runway model, “Look Not Trump” Then another blunder was to highlight the Cheneys endorsement. Look people who the party despised twenty years ago, you have to like or your MAGA. People realized Kamala wouldn’t actually be in charge just like Biden wasn’t in charge and say what you want about Trump but Trump doesn’t have the personality to be controlled by those powers that controlled the democrats so you know who is in charge
  8. No, there is no misunderstanding, we have been called MAGA scum, fascists, racists, all sort of things over the years.
  9. My point is you don’t even believe what you say otherwise you would be getting of the United States today, and here is another one if you actually truly believed your claim you wouldn’t be calling him one, you would be too afraid
  10. No, you declared trump is a fascist there is no denying it remember? there is no wait and see, if you truly believe what you declared, you would bug out, not wait and see but we all knew you had no principles and that’s why you lose
  11. Well, with the election done and over with President Trump winning the popular and electoral college vote it looks like some posters better pack and move because who wants to live under a fascist rule? But we all know nobody is going anywhere because liberals are full of it and hypocritical and that’s why they lost
  12. It’s the popular vote that puts the cherry on the top,
  13. You called for the loss one month ago, you posted the loss prediction more times than you called a win. You don’t get to redeem yourself the eve of the election. You wanted to post stupid *****, so now you can deal with the ridicule which you deserve
  14. Did she mentioned she came from a middle class family?
  15. the bell did indeed ring, and it’s you who got your bell rung
  16. Hey what happened to the one more month MAGA thread? Oh no wonder you are getting denied disability for your back, you are spineless
  17. I have to say I have enjoyed this thread, pretty adult, news stations keeping facts without too much narrative, posters seeing with their own eyes and making pretty good conclusions
  18. If Trump really wanted Liz shot in the head he could have just told her to go hunting with her father
  19. Clearly you missed this https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4966401-cnn-trump-cheney-firing-squad/ By the way draft dodgers were completely justified in their decisions
  20. The original civil war had a government first and then an army, as others mentioned clearly defined North and South. Many military bases are in southern states and western states an actual civil war like the one back in the 1860’s probably isn’t feasible
  21. When I see an old obese orange painted man posing themselves as a NFL player on a Sunday in the fall …….sounds like a broncos fan
  22. Why would using an AI generated picture be weird? Remember that iconic Obama in the red and blue that just flashed in your mind at this second I mentioned it? Same reason people pose for pictures it enhances the imagery
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