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Everything posted by Commsvet11

  1. Don’t get mad because I point out your stupidity, you got busted. Calling me names won’t change that fact.
  2. Classic Billstime, someone claims protesters were unarmed so billstime shares a link on a Twitter account that says they were armed without reading the part that said they were actually …. thats right unarmed.
  3. HA! Read what you just posted, line 22 and 23.
  4. We know Fetterman doesn’t have a medical degree, so there isn’t many translatable skills, whether or not you like it a medical degree does prove someone has a certain amount of intelligence. We know Fetterman didn’t like showing up to work as Lt. Gov and we know his town he was mayor of is one of the worst places in Pittsburgh during his tenure. We already seen how Fettermans stroke affected him, you don’t have to be a medical professional to know that, just like any intelligent person does when they see Joe Biden has dementia or do you think Joe is fine because I’m not on his medical team? And basing a candidate on how they dress is not even close to gender and race discrimination…..are you Billstime Stupid? Here is the thing Jim, we know you aren’t Billstime stupid, you see our points but want to be a devils advocate and we all see through that
  5. Because there was a baseline of intelligence, that candidate at the very least passed medical school. I’ll take that any day over a guy that dressed like a slob that appealed to PA morons.
  6. E-mails, sent on the 20th of this month to those who applied.
  7. Well now see sweetheart, that’s the joy of it, they can participate or not in answering those questions. Had you read the article you wouldn’t need me to mansplain it to you.
  8. How’s that snack coming sweetheart? What are you referencing?
  9. Well if they act like the B word you are I will.
  10. I turned myself into a pretzel because I actually read and comprehended the article in your clickbait tweet? Maybe the article hits too close to home, are you on the rag Billstime?
  11. Well if you actually read the article instead of just the tweet you would know it is voluntary…… meaning the teenagers don’t have to answer those questions. The article in fact is more of HIPAA concern. Now go make me a snack.
  12. Why don’t you go ahead and explain how this is sexualizing children.
  13. I have bad news for you, biological functions aren’t considered slavery. Our society literally takes wages from a paycheck and will imprison a person for not paying their child support. Which one sounds more like slavery?
  14. There has to be some type of morality in a society that is maintained by laws. We can base some laws we have to the Ten Commandments such as its wrong to steal and its wrong to murder, we have laws that say it’s against the law to steal and murder. You have ignored my points where I have the opinion that abortion is as civilized as owning slaves the only difference is unborn infants instead of POC being considered less than human and needing advocated by a groups with a moral standard
  15. Don’t believe in it -don’t do it is the same saying as if you don’t want an abortion don’t get one, to which I say if you don’t believe in slaves don’t have any. But luckily there were those that would speak for those that were considered less than human
  16. So just for consistency in your beliefs in 2022 men who get women pregnant and aren’t ready or willing to be fathers don’t have to pay child support. Ever. And not be known as a dead beat right?
  17. Every time I see something like” don’t like abortion don’t get one” I think, don’t like slavery, don’t own slaves. Luckily there were decent human beings that advocated for rights of those who were seen as less than human. Same thing here. What lack of birth control by the way? Do they not teach Sex Ed? Affordable Day care? They have that at local YMCAs.
  18. Not really you’re a just a clown on this board that is routinely intellectually abused. We get it, it’s your job just to bash republicans but it’s transparent what you are doing.
  19. Pedophilia has no particular party but besides the top photo which is from a awful show that was somehow allowed to be created just for groomers and has nothing to do with the republicans, the second picture isn’t good with scantily clad strippers but the rest aren’t really showing anything other than a cuss word on a flag how do those relate? See there you worked on adding a bit of truth but then padded your post with nonsense, hoping no one would call you out on it. As for that list that’s bad, but as I said pedophilia has no party, can you compare that list to known democratic pedophiles?
  20. You seem to keep getting confused between the person who is PAID/Employed to be in costume vs the actual volunteer act of it. 1.) How many Chuck E Cheese do you see outside the establishment and 2.) If you did see one like at a park are you going to let your kids go see that person?
  21. That furries identity as the creature they are dressed up as? As in if a furry dresses up like a mouse they actually think they are a mouse? That was your point?
  22. Why don’t you just share which links you think is relevant on that Google search so everyone can see. The furries say hello.
  23. Reread the question billstime, Designed, made for, marketed to men.
  24. Did you literally link 14th century fashion?
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