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Everything posted by Commsvet11

  1. Well a non shooting war would be considered a Cold War not a civil war. A civil war which probably could never happen would most certainly be devastating for the lefts ideology.
  2. So how would a man feel if their reproductive rights were taken away…..what happens if a woman wants an abortion but the man doesn’t want her to get her one? The woman gets an abortion anyway. What happens when a woman wants the child but the guy doesn’t? The guy ends up having to pay child support. Didn’t think that one through did you?
  3. Alright can you explain why John couldn’t answer any simple questions any Iraq Vet could? I asked some specific questions anybody from that spent any time other than a layover would know. Where John screwed up is when painted a broad brush where he said that people were trained to hate Americans and that simply isnt true and he would have known that if he actually interacting with the people. He could just easily said oh winter to spring time in Iraq? The place is mess it’s just a quagmire of mud gets everywhere. KBR would have came to mind as a main contractor, the temp in summer sure it got to 130 but it stayed mostly between 110-115 F. He would have known the frustration of the terps ( Interpreters) would claim they didn’t know the local dialect. Had John spent any significant time in Iraq the answer wouldn’t be the people are trained to hate Americans because he would have known that people that hate American culture they wouldn’t try to sell bootlegged DVD at the local bazaar, that actual people would try dress like Americans even though it wasn’t quite right and out of fashion (tipped boots and Jean jacket’s really?) you think a culture that hated Americans would allow their kids to come up to joes and ask “Mister, Mister soccer ball? Gatorade? MRE?” Those are little details we combat vets experienced and whether you like or not we use those details because many people like to to take credit for what we been though. You know what a shell sounds like? a whistling tea kettle with a boom at the end. If you hear pop pop you are good, it’s the wizzing sound you have to worry about. You know what war is like? Sheer boredom mixed in with confusion and pure adrenaline when the action happens. You don’t even know what happened till it’s explained afterwards. John Admitted he was in another country while I was actually in Iraq, attached to army infrastructure boots on the ground part of OIF. You call me a clown? Go ***** yourself redd and your little B word intel airman who can’t answer any simple questions about Iraq.
  4. You already know I’m not a call of duty player because I asked questions that were specific about Iraq that combat veterans already knew but you couldn’t answer. You are on the defensive because you know I called you out, because Combat Veterans are very good about that, we see people like you who try and puff themselves to feel important and their opinions hold more weight but when it comes to the small details for some reason it’s classified and nobody can answer where they were in Iraq, like you……. Which is interesting because if it’s so classified exactly where you were at in Iraq then you probably shouldn’t have divulged that you even ever were in Iraq to begin with when you were supposed to be an another country. Or you are full of *****.
  5. You aren’t using that phrase correctly. There is no beyond the wire, it’s outside the wire, you couldn’t answer any of my very basic questions of Iraq that anybody who has spent more than a layover would know, yet you claimed you served particularly in Iraq. Do not take credit for actual combat vets. We both know there is a hierarchy within the military and you are not a combat vet nor will you ever be.
  6. Saudi Arabia is a different country than Iraq.
  7. Do you believe the people he just described would be admitted in a camp? Alright which camp or FOB were you based out of?
  8. Leaving the wire refers to being outside of the camp or base
  9. Oh you might have been in country. Just you never left the wire except you entered country mad exiting country.
  10. I will put this to the test. In winter to early spring what’s the interesting thing about the ground in Iraq? Whats the name of the most popular base contractors over in Iraq What was the average temperature in say June? What was the consistent main complaint of the terps?
  11. Still waiting on those bumps there John, you made the claim now back it up.
  12. You know what, since you are Mr. “Show Me The Proof” go start bumping threads where you have seen posters on this site use the Babylon bee as a news source since you think we all believe it’s real news.
  13. In his world we believe it’s a real newspaper and every word is true because it might get brought up as a joke or to compare to a close headline or something like that
  14. And I’m going to straight out tell you that if and when those posters do that it’s recognized as satire and done to prove a point or make a joke but because you are an arrogant ####### instead of considering the context,your mind goes to Gee this guy believes this a legitimate news source Because it never occurs in your tiny brain that maybe just maybe the right leaning crowd around here, you know whose professions range from nurse, doctor, molecular biologist, teacher maybe smart and you just can’t stand the thought of an intelligent person not agreeing with everything you say.
  15. People are continuing to post the same idiotic and sometimes funny articles from the Babylon Bee in a thread specifically named …………The Babylon Bee And you think, in your arrogant wisdom …..this thread created specifically for these satire articles that posters believe it’s real news. That’s a new level of stupidity.
  16. Well you must be one those posters because you were offended it was being called America’s Newspaper and you keep calling it a newspaper when everybody else knows it’s an actual satire website that is posted in the thread with the title …The Babylon Bee. Thats your problem, you don’t read or understand much of the subject matter in the threads down here and it makes you look stupid on this board. But why don’t you go ahead and make a list of posters on this board you think take this obvious satire seriously?
  17. Who goes to the Babylon Bee for news? It’s posted for entertainment, you fail to grasp that simple concept perhaps satire is too complex for you.
  18. Did you take offense to “The Onion”?
  19. It’s been discussed in another thread that you are noticeably absent in, however I just answered your question.
  20. Yes and Yes because there is this concept called time, right now Biden is a feeble old man but when he was younger he also was scheming.
  21. Hey don’t forget to collect your sub standard living pay whenever your branch had to work in cooperation with real soldiers
  22. I’m a combat veteran joined the Army and was a commo sergeant with a line company in the infantry. You joined a branch that gives soldiers a ride to the war.
  23. pretty sure the guy just works in admissions capacity at the university of California branches not really an educator
  24. I am a combat vet. So yes
  25. Yeah I humored your little imagination
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