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  1. Ah you are that type of condensing prick that says something you truly believe and when it doesn’t land and makes you look like condensing prick you are quick to go “it was just a joke guys” And here is the best part everyone else is stupid for not getting your “joke”
  2. Ladies and gentlemen…..the liberal burn! But good news! you are proof a man can be woman
  3. So this lady isn’t encouraging people to go to LA for an abortion because they might lose their life/soul in a fiery place over an abortion? Think I heard that somewhere
  4. No his fantasyland is where authorities of government can do no wrong and illegal aliens just want to live a peaceful life in America and something to the contrary happens and shatters those beliefs the poor guy has to cope. Want to really make him squirm? Say cops don’t do much in critical situations so that’s why you have a gun and watch him judge you for owning a gun
  5. I dont understand why roundy is upset the cop didn’t do anything, maybe roundy wanted him to do something to help the lady because roundy does in fact hate brown people……
  6. I have proven I would die for my country, the idea of what it represents not some politician policy
  7. There are people who love their country and then there are those that love their government.
  8. Remember when you went on to another bills message board and instead of banning you they just gave you your own thread and every post you made they mods just put it there? Good times!
  9. I noticed you left out the president that got BJ from a twenty some in the Oval Office but we all know why you did that. Either way it’s a point anybody can still womanize at any age but my point was in the military its quite frequent particularly when your are in your early twenties. Now to your last quip if you are an officer with career ambitions you learn to control yourself If you are an officer with career ambitions, I’m sorry but you are not a good officer your career will take place over leading your men. I really need you to think about that…… do you want a leader of men or an officer with career ambitions.
  10. Outside every Army base there is always the following in close proximity…….a pawn shop, a strip club, a tattoo shop, a car dealership and a liquor store though the commissary is cheaper for alchohol. What does every American Legion and VFW have? That’s right a bar. What tradition is done every year for the Marines founding date? You know what goes on during a military ball? It’s just so comical what’s next college kids drinking and partying and hold on guys there could be sex happening there too. Everyone is young and stupid once and then you grow up or you become a liberal.
  11. From one veteran to another your tirade with Trump makes you sound like a little B word
  12. I can answer this, it gives them a sense of enjoyment to tell everybody online how they despise trump and MAGA and that’s how they feel better about themselves
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