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Everything posted by Bill_with_it

  1. No it wasnt and to imply it was is truly a show of ones integrity in a bad way. Goodbye.
  2. No i watched the gamed. Doesnt matter when I came to the thread. A handfull of good throws and 180/1 isnt a very good game doesnt matter how much you crusade it. Yeah they had a big drop. Every qb has wrs that misses drops passes including our very own team. The cardinals defense gave that offense every opportunity to win and ultimately a Rosen led offense couldnt do it. The hawks went 0/10 on third downs. Look I dont know what your attempting to do but. That wasnt a very good game by Rosen.
  3. Josh allen made two of dazzling throws in the last game escaping a sack and getting it to shady all the way across his body and then a third to Benjamin on the injury, a few throws dont make it a very good game. 180 and 1 td isnt a very good game. He might have a few very good throws that doesnt make it a very good game.
  4. I thought I had read the worst thread earlier this week. Welp I was wrong. There is no way any HC or coordinator would purposely put a player out there to do what we witnessed Peterman do with the ulterior motive of pumping up another player. The mere thiught of that goes holistically against Seans entire approach of team, process, and character. Nice try, try and give a little thought next time before dumping the first thought you have on a message board.
  5. No not the guy all the arm chair gms wanted here along with Rosen.
  6. You let Anderson play until Allen is medically good to go. Then Allen needs to go back in.
  7. Yup you lied didnt say what you quoted me as saying.
  8. Nice to see you are back you are notoriously silent when they are behind. Once again if you read the entire thread and with a little maturity when conversing you might not runaway like a hit and run car.
  9. Game isnt over. If you are going to reexplain my post due it correctly. Ne offense was unstoppable and the patriots were chewing up the clock as they wanted and the chiefs were down 2 scores. Is the train still on the tracks. I mean the kc chiefs offense didnt get on the one that was a fluke return. Amazing how you wait until a fluke to speak up.
  10. Andy dialed up a good one there on a Brady turnover.
  11. See i actually agree with you. No team should press against ne thats when bad things happen. You let the game come to you. 12 looks alot better than 9 at half. Unfortunately these guys normal train is out of steam. I dont think Mahomes is done throwing picks tonight. He has been bailed out by three supremely athletically gifted offensive playmakers in Hill, Kelce, and Hunt coming back for balls and extending for them during improv. The talent on that team and the normal vaibility of andys playcalling is in my opinion making Mahomes seem alot better than he actually is. The rest of this game will tell me alot about Mahomea true potential and abilities.
  12. Well this is just the beginning. Bb showed the league what to do with kelce. He is also bracketing hill between a lb, cb, and safety. Someone showed the league how to do it last year the Patriots are ahowing the league how to contain the chiefs offense this year.
  13. Thats the thing. There really isnt alot of football left. The kc defense has shown no ability to stop me run game. Sure kc could make a game of it but odds are reid and mahomes both press and it gets worse. I have seen this movie before with a different leading actor.
  14. Mcdaniels and Brady are going to make him press by running out the clock up by two scores this is the same as Brady and Belichek always do against hot offenses. They are running the play clock down to three and four until they see a fantastic big play matchup and take advantage of it.
  15. Are u sure or is he going to start pressing because they are behind and make worse decisions?
  16. Belichek is providing the league what they need to prevent KC from dominating. This is exactly what happened last year. Andy ises all his gimmick and new genius evolved plays by mid october and the train slows down considerably.
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