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Everything posted by Bill_with_it

  1. Wasnt he the one with a fast track to canton, going to dominate the next superbowl, and get a hige payday from the Patriots???
  2. Me too. Ill leave this here for all to read slowly and many times. Get off the ledge..
  3. Dont ruin his hate session with facts.
  4. Has Philly Brown made the team yet?Mcdermott and Beane called you and told you?
  5. Your name suits your contention, irrational behavior, and irrelevant posting.
  6. This is really sad. Its been explained to you many many times and you still sit around with fingers in you ears. Tolbert played well when given reps. Tolbert is a leader in thr locker room and is on the chesp. Hes earned his spot on the roster if he receives one.
  7. Well his terrible play might keep him down..
  8. Yeah except you have no clue what is going on. The media only reported one tardy period today. There was somebody in on of the Dareus threads that stated they had inside info that Dareus was late 20 or so times begore Marrone sat him for a game. Whos to say that hasn't occurred this year? Whos to say that they havent talked to him at great lengths and have attempted everything in their power to correct his shortcomings and a media lashing was the last thing left before getting rid of him. Im almost certain this isnt an isolated incident with the new regime, they arent going from 0-100 with regard to eating cap space and getting rid of a decent player (when motivated) due to one tardy period. If you believe they are then you probably shouldnt watch football anymore. They are completely tired of his immaturity and have given him every resource available to try and help him. This is the last straw. GROW UP OR GET OUT!
  9. Tyrod is the unquestioned starter of this team. It has been stated numerous times. Take your fingers out of your ears. Thread fail.
  10. Wow literally no team in the league thinks hes a left tackle. Yet our fans wanted to move glenn to right tackle so someone who currently isnt in the league anymore could take his spot. Welp i have heard it all now.
  11. You mean bring back an older, extremely slower, and less athletic Ragland no thanks....
  12. Did you race down a croded street and wreck your car putting innocent men, women, and children in harms way?Did have 2 failed abuses of substance in whike knowing so was a violation of the terms of your employment? Did you break a federal law by possessing a substance that is a Felony? Did you show up late for team meetings? Did you tell the public you were going in rehab and then procced to not go into rehab? Did your employer sit down with you and your tesm and make it clear that he/she expects all of you at work at a certain time, but then you failed to shoe while your supervisor was waiting gor you? Let me know when this sounds like your situation..
  13. Most of the qbs shouldnt have started that long. Especially if the team isnt going to use a draft pick for another one because hey they had Manuel, etc... Yup
  14. Somebody needs to lay off the juice for a while.
  15. I like my chances and the odds if vegas would take bets ipon it.
  16. Oh that would be fantastic. Let him go somewhere else and not be worth the money paid to him.
  17. I have found months ago that I shouldnt take a word of things you post on here seriously. You have proven time and again to lack basic fundamental knowledge with regard to core concepts of football. For instance this occassion you insinuated it would be ok to move our franchise lt to rt so a now cut twice, overdrafted, and untalented rt could take his spot at lt. This will be the last I engage in any topic with you as it is clear to me that you dont know that much about football.
  18. Super yikes. Cut twice and likely will never be a starter ever again without barring an injury. Yet you are still fervently hell bent on saving face after you very bad take. You arent doing it right you are supposed to blame it on Ryan or Pegula.
  19. http://m.buffalobills.com/news/article-1/How-the-Bills-decided-on-Rex-Ryan-as-head-coach/19b740de-0ca3-4dd6-8fdc-58c0cf013fa2"I knew when he started talking about how he wanted to build a team and I could complete his sentences and he could complete mine in how we want the Buffalo Bills to look we were on the same page."
  20. Potential is nothing. You have to put up or shut up sooner or later. They gave Ragland every chance and he wasnt going to make the team. The GM got a draft pick for a player that was going to get cut. Thats good GMing. You cant keep building a team around sunken costs. That is what has kept this team in hell with regard to the qb position soooo long.
  21. Well the idiot who signed him to that contract is gone so thats a plus. I assume we will see less headscratchers like His in the future and rightfully so.
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