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Everything posted by Bill_with_it

  1. It is a rule its in the game operations manual. It was talkes about yesterday.A league apokesman said they werent going to fine anyone for violating it as of yesterday. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/early-lead/wp/2017/09/24/were-not-going-to-play-politics-steelers-mike-tomlin-says-team-wont-take-the-field-for-anthem/?utm_term=.1e60a3cbad61
  2. No its not. Little ridiculous to have a rule if no one is going to follow it. Or one could have a bit of common sense and realize the rule was written that way to allow players and staff on crutches that are on the sidelines not fine able. But you now rules and intent are hard to understand man.
  3. Nfl game operations manula states: The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem. During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.
  4. No you didnt. After you recieved a response of Words cant do it justice, you responded immature and stated so nothing. Its clear your intentions are to troll. Thats fine. You can troll away but Im not going to be apart of it.
  5. That wasnt the question Tom. No one here is saying that we arent protecting the constitution, I was asked what the flag means to mean. My response is words cant do it justices, similarly I share the same view on my requirements to support and defend the constitution, along with bearing true faith and ALLEGIENCE to the same.
  6. You can act immature and like you want to use words or put them in my mouth and you would be wrong. You have no clue the sacrifices I have made for that flag and this country. Dont push it. You are correct. That changes nothing.
  7. This is absolutely not true. I have pals that have died for the flag. You and Bill Hicks know nothing about what the flag is or isnt to the military.
  8. I love posts like this it makes it easy to find when exactly the opposite occurs.
  9. Well it just reaffirms my belief. Nothing is a given and hard work creates an ability to exploit opportunities for you.
  10. Do thise total yards and total tds make denver have anymore wins than we do right now? Stats are great but we share the EXACT same record as the Broncos. Thats why every person on the team matters.
  11. He got blasted in a play in his knee region. It ipended him terrible. I was surprised as I rarely have seen him take such a huge hit.
  12. They made a big deal about that, however, I would be willing to bet the ticket prices and psl if there any are extremely expensive. So the prices for the snacks are to suck up any extra money the consumer is willing to part with in a clever market acheme thats talked about on every game telecast I have heard watching them.
  13. But there is soon many original hot takes we must accept as being true on here. ¡Sarcasm!
  14. I think cj anderson/jc is better than any of the other rushing attacks we have face thus far. Especially when you have to devite reaources to 10/88
  15. Yeah your posts let on the minute knowledge of football you posess. There was no personal attack on you. Care to provide one example of a completely new staff firing their offensive coordinator week 2/3 not due to a disciplinary action? Good lick with that. Like I said his job was one hundred oercent safe.
  16. You have no knowledge with regard to football. Dennison's job is not nor was in jeopardy.
  17. Yup. Those that know for certainty that we could have kept sammy and got him to play are some of the same ones wuestioning whether we can sign gaines long term. Kind of sad.
  18. Rigghhhhhtttt. This is what happens folks when you make ridiculous declarative statements.
  19. Terrible takes all around...
  20. You dont say. There have been a few myself included calling this for a while.
  21. Especially after watching Robert get ran over by a mavk truck head to head and him pop right up.
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