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Everything posted by Bill_with_it

  1. Hey Dareus it feels good to have an overpaid, underperforming, and generally lazy dt off my favorites team!
  2. You have literally zero proof we were even remotely interested in martavis.
  3. You would do well to never ever post again.Brandon. Beane. #RespectTheProcess
  4. Check out @buffalobills's Tweet: https://twitter.com/buffalobills/status/925464589202083843
  5. Much better GMThan Whaley ever imagined
  6. Peterman isnt eager, the bench and clipboard isnt going snywhere.
  7. This is gantastic. Its a breath if cool air after all the serioulsy bad hottakes all week long.
  8. peterman wax that highfootballiq poster that posted nothing but im concerned threads and hilarious hottakes.
  9. Look you fail to acknowledge anything other than best interior linemen.If that was solely the case yes a six rounder woukd be über bad, however, we have a guy thats one failed test away from a huge free paid vacation, a guy that isnt buying in, a guy thats lazy, a guy that cant follow team rules, all the while being paid a ton of money. Yes you are right I vehemently disagree because it isnt just based on the highest rated dlinemen by pff for us. It for all the other byproduct that is Dareus.
  10. Overstatement?Well then give me your frame of mind. What does Dareus have to show in the way of tangible results this year to be worthy of yhe sort of compensation you are looking for? Im quite positive that he is going to obtain less or equal performance in jax as in buffalo. That level of play isnt going to garner a 3/4/5 pick.
  11. Yeah i also used context with them. When Marcell does less than snything wothy of noting by seasons end you will understand that it wasnt a bad trade.
  12. Let me know when kyle gives a half effort, pops on drug tests, fails to be with the team whenhe is supposed to, shows ip to csmp overweight, and eats up an extraordinary smount of our cap but yet only sees the gield 1/3 of the snaps.
  13. You have no point. Dareus at his pay was literally worth a six rounder. Hes rated as the 67th best dt.I would say a 6 is good calue. Jax is betting on seeing the old Dareus. You know the one that hasnt been around in a long time. This isnt going to end well for you.
  14. There was no value. Its been known since the preseason that he was on the block. It was less than a week b4 the trade deadline. Had to get the lazy, undisciplined, and lacking as a team player off this team before he destroys what Sean is trying to instill.
  15. Sshhhh.You wont be able to tell him anything. Hes an ardent Dareus supporter.
  16. Well he got rid of the big headed talented ME players. He started a culture. Refuses to allow players to be on the team that diesnt embrace the culture. Trains the men on situational football. Has his coaches preach the fundamentals.
  17. Yup with a chance to get a nobody like Milano. I mean who would want a milano.
  18. They already have his bust ready. I have read countless hot ones on how fantastic a player he is.
  19. Yup. Literally every time they had an opportunity the announcwrs mentioned that we sure werent missing him. But sime poster will find a random tweet from someone thats never played a down of football and hang their hit take wrong hat up on it.
  20. Cmon thats not fair to the top ten corner!!! It isnt his fault. Sarcasm warning.
  21. It was fantastic. You iust knew that every player out there was fighting genuinely for the bills logo and each other until the end. No entitled crap resting on past laurels.
  22. He probably learned how to be so strong from watching Dareus take on double teams.
  23. I did oldman, we surely missed 99. Not!!!
  24. Give the ol boy some time,im sure he is cooking up quite the gem.
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