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Everything posted by Bill_with_it

  1. I dont think he is anywhere near talented with regard to the way that offense looked last year.
  2. You have an opinion. I just think making a declarative statement in saying all and everyone is usually not good. There is always some one that can and some one that usually does, otherwise we would still be living like cavemen. Im going to give the guy a chance just as I did the others until he shoes me he cant.
  3. Just think a ton of “highly knowledgeable posters” on this board wanted him leading our team.
  4. Correct, however, the key thing to note is that he said he could. Its up to the individual to correct his flaws. He’s responsible for himself and no one else. He has to put in all the work, and when he does and the results dont work out he has to put in more work and analyze why it didnt work. There is not a magic accuracy pill or Doug Whaley and EJ Manuel would have purchased them all. Thats the thing, unlike CH, Allen hasnt been doing it his whole life. He hasn’t received top coaching, etc... Give him a chance he deserves it.
  5. Nice video, thanks for the original research.
  6. He likely knows nothing. Or atleast doesnt ynderstand the context to which the stats were derived from.
  7. Hope the kid turns into a star.
  8. Nice, hopefully hes the linebacker our coach and gm thinks he can be.
  9. Tremendoisly greatful for them to realize the Whaley, Rex, and Brandon issues and remove them from the Bills!
  10. I would love to watch them, however, I dont think our fo would ever be done for this.
  11. Wonder why the release?
  12. I like the part where he specifies the changes in their o scheme as another legitimate reason as to why his numbers were lower.
  13. At this point no one knows what he will do. Its all guesses. I dont think it will take much to out perform AJ, if everything that his coach, oc, and Palmer stated are true about Allen. I believe in the coaches and gm to do the correct thing.
  14. Whatever they do, I have that it will be appropriate for the situation.
  15. This topic is already and has already been under discussion since i started it in april.
  16. Well let me just respond -No first time head coach ever made a wrong decision by giving their iffensive coordinator autonomy to do their job. -Rick Dennison has enjoyed success at the OC spot in the league contrary to what you state hes actually been to the playoffs in this capacity. -Posters have kess knowledge about football than Dennison’s pinky finger yourself included. It was lauded as an experiment that may work. To suggest you or any other poster on this site has more knowledge regarding football than Mcdermott and Dennison is laughable at best. A clock is correct two times a day so your guess may have came to fruition, however its not to the vast knowledge regarding o or d playcalling. -The best? He was a headcase, that refused to rehab correctly, whined about everything, belittled fans, and wasnt a very good team mate. He went to a team where he was largely outshine by a previous bills player. He put up jag mumbers last year and is still hitching his wagon to that illustrious potential word. -KB played through a knee injury from his start at buffalo, alot more than I can say than Sammy. -Do you understand how the cap works? And how bad whaley put us in cap hell? Thats why Jordan was on our team. -Unlike you I wont comment on Jones because I dont know the full extent, just like you. -If you havent realized the state if denial you are in yet, just take a look around the league of people whi disagree with you. Not just posters but real football people. It was fun but now a movie is avalling me. You can stew in anger because of some past decisions that you didnt like, or you can realize that the football team is in the best hands its been in in decades.
  17. Questionable at best? Cmon man, it isnt even worth reading your opinions if they are that bad.
  18. Yeah i heard on ESPN that they have Goff get to the line quickly so that the coach can reset the offense, etc. Thats not qb development. Thats a crutch.
  19. Im sure you think you know more than them; rest assured thats not the case. They have a plan.
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