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Everything posted by suorangefan4

  1. Nice 4-yard run on 3rd and 13 Tyrod
  2. I have no clue what Poyer, White and Brown were doing on that play. They looked absolutely lost. All stayed in coverage even though it was clear McCown had a lot of running room.
  3. Liberals like Tiberius response to Trump calling women bimbos: "He's a sexist pig!" Tiberius doesn't see anything wrong with calling Trump a doofus, moron etc though. Why are all liberals such sexist, man hating pigs Tiberius?
  4. The Patriots are just barely winning games. They're definitely beatable... especially at home.
  5. Why do people blame Hochuli when it was mostly the other refs making the calls? Welcome to the internet where misplaced blame is a common thing.
  6. Why do people blame Hochuli when it's another official who threw the flag?
  7. And averaging only 4.7 per pass. I don't get the praise he's getting. He's been mediocre as usual. The defense is balling out though!
  8. If that's holding then you can call holding on almost every play
  9. He was good but he was lucky he didn't end up with 3 INTs instead of 1. The Bucs receivers knocked 2 INTs out of Bills DBs hands.
  10. Yeah because Peterman wouldn't be able to throw to a guy standing all alone right?
  11. That interception was Antonio Brown's fault. Brown stopped his route when he should've kept running.
  12. The refs kind of screwed UB in the last few OTs. UB was called for an OPI to negate a 2-point conversion in the 5th OT. UB would've won if that wasn't called. Western Michigan got away with a couple huge holds in the 7th OT that enabled them to win.
  13. Feminists only cry about comments a man makes about a woman but they're always quiet when a woman makes belittling and derogatory comments towards men.
  14. Let's talk about the narratives / coverage of the recent church shootings. - Dylann Roof shoots up a church with black people and it's national headlines for a very long time. The media and liberals push the race narrative full blast. - Emanuel Kidega Samson shoots up a church with white people and there's hardly any coverage on it at all.
  15. http://www.knoxnews.com/story/news/2017/09/24/nashville-police-responding-shooting-antioch-church/697968001 One person was killed and eight others wounded Sunday after a masked man opened fire following a church service in Antioch. The shooter, identified as Emanuel Kidega Samson, a 25-year-old Rutherford County man, accidentally shot himself after he was confronted by an armed member of the congregation. Samson was treated at an area hospital and was released into police custody, according to Metro Nashville Police. http://gotnews.com/breaking-antioch-shooter-black-power-radical-posted-youre-likely-killed-white-man/ The Antioch, Tennessee church shooter is an immigrant from Sudan and black power radical with a history of sharing pro-Islamic and anti-Western posts on social media, a review of his Facebook and Twitter accounts reveals. Leftist media sites will probably give very little coverage to this, if any at all. They probably won't point out that the shooter was a racist who hates white people too.
  16. What's it like to be proven wrong over and over idiot? The irony of you calling someone a moron is beyond hilarious. I'm not even shocked that you hate pretty much every single white NFL player too. It's easy to see where you come from.
  17. Trump has disavowed the KKK hundreds of times. You liberals have no problem that Obama endorsed the cop killers BLM though. BLM has also attacked white people simply for being white on a number of occassions. Remember that disabled kid in Chicago that BLM kidnapped and tortured? Obama is a racist who supports that. And Democrats have been funding Antifa.
  18. They've picked top 5 in the draft six years in a row and top 10 in the draft ten years in a row. Any team should be able to turn it around with all those high picks.
  19. There was a trending topic on twitter a year or two ago called #KillAllWhiteMen. Of course the media didn't speak out against it though because racism and sexism towards white men is acceptable to all those bigoted losers.
  20. Yep not one defender within 10 yards of him and Taylor doesn't even see it.
  21. Bills only have 1 first down heading towards halftime
  22. The truth? The truth is cops kill twice as many white people as they do blacks. Liberal media bias won't say anything about that though.
  23. He ran a 4.42 forty at his pro day which is definitely fast.
  24. I love how 26CornerBlitz was calling someone a troll for bashing Tyrod Taylor and even cried enough to get him banned yet he thinks it's OK to completely crap on a player who has only played 1 preseason game.
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