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Everything posted by oldmanfan

  1. Good idea. I will be intrigued to see what effect Anderson has. Sometimes the real star guys have a harder time teaching because it came so natural whereas the guys that had to work really hard to survive in the league wind up better at coaching.
  2. I wanted Rosen myself, but of course now want Allen to succeed. Mayfield had a really tough day yesterday. Teams are figuring out that that if they keep him in the pocket he'll have a tougher time. He like every other young QB will need to continue to figure things out and develop. I'll tell you another thing. If the Bills had been the Chiefs last night, and Allen had been Mahomes last night, I can't begin to count how many folks here would be blaming Allen for throwing a dumb pick in the end zone at the end of the half and how that cost them the game, instead of focusing on what he did in the second half.
  3. Same old nonsense. I did not say anywhere he would be a Hall of Famer. Nor did anyone else on this board. I did say guys like Aikman had similar growing pains the first few games of their rookie year. That does not mean Allen will be a HOFer.
  4. Allen shoulders his share of the blame. He still needs work on pre-snap recognition, and needs to hang in the pocket longer. All things that can improve with time. I'm interested to see what Anderson does for his development. And puzzled to say the least as to why that wasn't done earlier, unless Anderson and guys like Moore just didn't want to sign earlier.
  5. Would you stop with the hyperbolic nonsense? After the Pack game I said he stunk. And based on yesterday what have I said? That he still has a long way to go. and you sit here and say I am not open to any criticism of him? Give me a break. Again, I knew the outcome of the game before I watched it yesterday. So I was watching Allen specifically to see how he did. First pass, terrible to Clay. After that, I don't recall a pass that was way off the mark. I think the one to Benjamin when double covered deep was more of a throwaway. He went through progressions a bit faster. he was accurate with a number of throws when he was set in the pocket and delivered. Does he still need to develop? Hell yes. A lot? Hell yes. But, again. if you watch the Pack game and then watch yesterday's game it is clear to anyone who wants to actually take an objective view that he is doing better. Not great by any means. Not even good yet. But better. And hopefully with time he continues that trend. News flash: I wanted Watson last year. He did not look good at all yesterday either. Wanted Rosen this year. And he is having his ups and downs. Mayfield had a really tough day yesterday. Young QBs go through this. Why can people not get it through their heads?
  6. Stop with the dumb overreactions. Everybody pulls this nonsense. i did not say yesterday was great. I have said he has a ways to go, as do all rookie QBs. What I did say is that if you watch the Packers game vs. yesterday he has shown improvement, and that if you watch them objectively there is no way to argue otherwise.
  7. As I pointed out yesterday you are not the guru of QBs you think you are. We don't know what Allen will be yet. Watch the Pack game. Watch yesterday. Then tell me he's not learning. If you do then I will know you didn't actually watch the games.
  8. Rosen yesterday: 21/31 for 240 (11.4 yards/completion). No TD's 1 pick. Mayfield yesterday: 22/46 for 238 yards (10.8 per completion). 1 TD and 2 picks. Allen: 10/17, 84 yards (8.4 per completion; 0 TDs and 0 picks Darnold: 24/30 for 288 (11.7 per completion) Average yardage per completion lower for Allen, Darnold played well and the other three struggled. This is what happens with rookie QBs.
  9. All the rookie QBs are learning. Mayfield had a tough day yesterday. Darnold has ups and downs. Rosen the same. Allen may have a longer learning time given he came from a smaller program. But they all have a lot to learn.
  10. Comparing their rookie years. Please try to actually read before your snark.
  11. I have. I recall Aikman being that type.
  12. Yes. They will figure it out. And Allen will continue to develop.
  13. Your usual nonsense unfortunately. Every young QB has to get the game to slow down for him. I disagree after watching yesterday. He's threw 19 times in less than 3 full quarters, which is reasonable given the focus on the run game. As time goes on he'll process quicker and get the ball out quicker. I'm not saying he's great by any means. He has a lot to learn. What I'm saying is those who insist he's making no progress aren't really watching what's going on.
  14. He is like most every young QB. The game has to slow down for him. It takes time. Some have it slow down faster, some slower, some never. Watch the game against the Pack, then watch yesterday. Watch them objectively. He's getting there. He's not blindly running out of the pocket. He's starting to be more decisive. Can I guarantee he'll get there? No. But progress is definitively evident if you just watch the games without preconceived bias.
  15. Rewatch the Packers game. Then rewatch yesterday. Then try and tell me he hasn't improved. Does he process fast enough yet? No. Is he getting better? Yes. and if you say no you simply don't want to face reality.
  16. Anyone with an objective view of this game saw progress from Allen. He may or may not be the guy long term, but if you watched today and claim he showed no progress you are simply biased against him.
  17. The Bills regime can rightfully be criticized for not having a vet behind Allen from game 1. As for Mahomes 1TD and 4 picks the last few quarters. And no one is getting fired now or later for not picking him.
  18. To a guy that was double covered. Perhaps he wanted to be sure it wasn't picked? Watching Brady right now. See a lot if short patterns. Do you know what Daboll called? We're longer patterns run? Were guys open on those? Should I go on?
  19. And you are no more knowledgeable about playing QB in thie NFL than anyone else around here. Quit pretending that you are.
  20. Go back and watch the game. Watch his throws. Seriously. I knew the outcome before I watched and read some of the crap posted before I did. So I watched specifically to see how Allen did. The kid made one truly bad throw today, his first pass of the game.
  21. My point is simple and stated above. You come in here as if you're some sort of QB expert and you're not as shown by your Winston love. You also like to cherry pick throws. You've harped on Allen's first throw of the game as if that proves he can never succeed and ignore a number of other good throws he made today. The kid has things to learn but objective views suggest he is coming along. To make my point even clearer: you aren't knowledgeable about QBs. Does that explain it clearly enough?
  22. You said specifically back then you would have traded everything to get him. And thus far his career has been less than impressive. Good game today, less than impressive overall. You like to pontificate about QBs as if you have some grand understanding of the position. In reality you're no more knowledgeable than anyone else and based on your Winston love worse than most.
  23. Open your eyes and watch the game next time. meanwhile the golden boy of KC just threw a bad pick to end the half in NE. Young QBs learn with time. To say Allen can't make the throws needed after seeing him out it right in guys several times today is the height of nonsense. As low as thinking Winston was going to be the next great QB?
  24. Had my daughter's birthday today so DVR'd the game. Just watched it and if you're saying Allen showed nothing and had no improvement and so on you're nuts. I saw one truly off target throw. Looked better at pre-snap reads. On target with the majority of throws. Running threat as he's shown before. Long way to go still but certainly better than some here are saying. Peterman though. You cannot make that throw. I think we win if Allen didn't get hurt. That is one throw. To the the rest of the posters, this is the guy who would have traded anything to get Jamie's Winston. He really has no idea about QBs.
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