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Everything posted by oldmanfan

  1. You ask if we all want him to succeed. Sadly, no. There are some who would rather see him fail so they can anonymously brag on a web site about how smart they were when they said it was a bad draft pick.
  2. Simple. Tell you to quit trying to continually and sadly justify your preconceived notion that the kid can't play and recognize that in the just over 6games he's played that he's showing progress. Instead of talking about misleading stats talk about how some incompletions were drops or throwaways when no one was open. Recognize many of us simply are saying he's making progress and not that he's already a finished star product. And more than anything, rather than hoping he doesn't make it so you can boast that you knew he wouldn't, actually root for him and your team to succeed. That a sufficient answer to your question?
  3. I have gone back the last two games he played and looked at each play he ran. And tried to compare to earlier games like the Packers. If you watch them, and if you're objective, he's making progress. He is making reads quicker and getting the ball out quicker. He is more accurate. There are still some missed passes, but for example if you look at the Jacksonville game the only truly bad pass was that WR screen where he dumped the ball at the guy's feet. He does need to improve on those kinds of passes. Two passes he missed were communication issues with his WR. And most other ones he was on target with his throws, some of which were taken away by dumb penalties. If you watch the Houston game he again was hitting his targets consistently till he got hurt. So I think this accuracy thing is overblown; people lazily look at completion percentage and don't take into account other variables like drops or wrong routes. As for the "slow eyes" thing, that's just a canard used by guys like McShay who don't really understand the game of football. Like most any other young QB, Allen needs to learn and have the game slow down for him so he makes quicker reads etc. That goes hand in hand with holding the ball perhaps a bit too long. But again, look at the Jacksonville game. On his long TD pass to Foster, if he doesn't hold on too long, that pass never gets made. I am still amazed that ball came out as well as it did. People criticize his running, but that also comes down to reads. On his one long run, he read that the MLB wasn't watching, and it gave him a huge running lane, so he took it. I have no problem with critiquing the guy; as I have said often he has a long way to go. I do have a problem with people not actually using their eyes and seeing that he is making progress. If you don't see that he's making progress, it's because you don't want to see that he's making progress.
  4. To say you have not seen any progress in Allen this year is absurd. People like you made up your minds about the guy the day he was drafted and no matter what he does it won't change your mind. He's played 6.5 games. Try some objectivity.
  5. Agreed. They don't make this move unless they know the holding situation is OK.
  6. Now that you have owners committed to Buffalo for the long term, it would be the time to think bold strategies. Here is what I'd be presenting to governments on both sides of the border: I would ask for NYS and Ontario to pony up money not just for a stadium, but for design and development of rapid transit systems connecting downtown Buffalo (including the Southtowns), Toronto, and Niagara Falls. The Niagara Frontier region could be turned into one huge tourist mecca, both in warmer and colder months. Let's say you have a long weekend in September and you could get around to each of these areas within 30 minutes by rapid rail. You come in on a Friday, maybe take the rail up to the Falls and experience that. Stay the night there, then rapid rail to spend Saturday in Toronto, take in a show, do some shopping, see the Metro Zoo or Science Center, Yonge Street, and such. Maybe go to Niagara on the Lake (my daughter is a performer, and she tells me that's a highly sought gig). Get on the rapid rail and come to downtown Buffalo for a concert that night and get dinner or wings. Sunday you're at the Bills game and rapid transit to the airport and out. Now let's say it's February. Pretty similar, but maybe you rail down to the Southtowns for skiing or snow mobiling or such. Go to a Sabres game instead of the Bills. Maybe take in the Albright-Know, or check out some of the famous architecture in Buffalo. The one thing I'd do different than putting a stadium in downtown would be to gut a lot of Niagara Falls downtown and put the stadium there, with overlooks of the Falls. But I alos get focusing every thing downtown. Do this right, and the entire region could become a real destination and bring loads of cash to the area as a whole.
  7. Allen is a rookie QB with 6.5 games to his credit so far. If you watch games in chronologic order he is making slow but steady progress. with a young QB the things you look for are whether he gets too jumpy, makes bad decisions with the ball, and such. You want to see evidence that the game is starting to slow down for him. If you look objectively at Allen's progress, I think anyone who is being fair would say the game is slowing down for him. Not by leaps and bounds, but the evidence is plain to see. It looks to me like he's seeing his reads quicker, he is figuring out where to go with the ball somewhat faster. He could of course maybe stay in the pocket fraction of a second more, and while I know the running scares folks you could also say it is a result of him making good reads. On his 45 yard run he read the MLB, saw he was not paying attention to the run threat, and he took off. As he learns and as the game continues to slow down he should start checking down more (if the check downs are there). And Daboll will continue to present more complex options as Allen learns. It is of course not a sure thing; he has a ways to go. But his progress is certainly encouraging, and anyone who would deny that is really just searching to support a pre-conceived notion that he would be a bust.
  8. Nope. He lacks motivation.
  9. He wasn't getting height on his punts Sunday. Too much potential for returns. So they decided to look elsewhere. Assuming the holding for Hauschka is still OK (which is the only real concern), no big deal.
  10. Plus Allen is playing better than Darnold right now.
  11. We're OK right now. Not great, but OK. Allen should continue to develop, and Barkely is probably as reasonable a backup choice as any other guy available.
  12. Number one? No. Those are the guys that command double teams, and I don't see his as that. A consistent deep threat? Yes.
  13. So my saying he had a good game but has a ways to go means he's my crush? Hysterical. You can't accept your preconceived notion could be wrong. How is Jameis doing, by the way?
  14. What I'm talking about is simple. Your continued epistles about QBing in the NFL, as if you have some greater insight than the next guy. Allen would do better in KC undoubtedly given their WR corps. How much better who knows. H has a way to go. But he clearly showed yesterday that he is progressing. But what was your statement? To paraphrease, he's an athlete trying to play QB. Your bias is ridiculous. It is clear you cannot be objective because you decided when he was drafted that he wouldn't work out, and now your comments are all slanted towards trying to justify that pre-conceived notion.
  15. The fact that you think you are the arbiter of what constitutes a quality NFL QB is the pathetic thing. I said already, he has a long way to go, but he had a good game yesterday. Why can we not be happy about that? More to the point, why can you not be happy about that? Is it because it makes your opinion of him look erroneous?
  16. Folks, this is the guy who would have traded an entire draft to get Jameis Winston. Take his opinions with a large grain of salt. Allen threw one really bad pass yesterday - the WR screen. And what does our Winston worshipper bring up? You guess it - that one pass. It's either hysterical or sad t red this stuff. Not sure which.
  17. He's a rookie QB that has played about six games now. HE's showing progress. Still a lot of work to be done but had a good game yesterday. Is it Ok to be happy about that?
  18. He has a ways to go but promising at this point. By the way, anyone notice Miller got pulled for Groy after his holding penalty? Assuming Teller can hold down a spot next year, we still need a better C and RG, either through FA or draft.
  19. Plus UB football and both men's and women's basketball!
  20. Excited to watch my team. Like every week. Excited to see what Allen does. Excited to see how Daboll uses the speed he has now in the receiving corps. Excited to watch our D. Excited to watch Edmunds and Milano continue to develop. Excited to see if Hughes takes Flowers apart. And excited to see if they win. Save your puerile high school coach junk for somewhere else. Save your negativism for elsewhere. It's game time. Root for your team.
  21. Always excited to watch a Bills game. But nervous? No
  22. Blah, blah, blah. Yes the past few years have been frustrating. But in none of those years were the Bills anywhere near as bad as some of us older fans remember. And since you feel the need to bring the Sabres up so you can wallow in your misery, they made some bad decisions, but now seem to have figured it out. Unless a 7 win streak is bad. You see, us older, more mature folks are able to deal wth things better than your generation. The younger generation that gets participation trophies and has their helicopter parents and their cell phones think they should have everything they want exactly the way they want and exactly when they want it has trouble understanding there are ups and downs in life. Bills made the playoffs last year. They have drafted their hopeful QB of the future and have a structure in place to continue to build a contender. As do the Sabres. Good to see.
  23. So many great ones. Sanders was incredible.
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