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Iron Maiden

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Everything posted by Iron Maiden

  1. I'm not looking for a specific " time to come back " my friend....nor am I looking to rebuild anything.....I guess I'm a RINO.....I like Conservative fiscal policies for example............I doubt that any of the " Patriots " who stormed the Capitol would even begin to comprehend what that even means....
  2. I love my country....I'm sure most humans on the planet feels the same way....We Americans often get a bad wrap about being ' too patriotic "......I am guilty of that myself...I am a proud Republican and have been for ever.... As I got older, and got to travel the world, things were put in perspectives...... It's a big world out there......Yes, we are the most powerful Country in the world economically and military.......But......before Trump, we were a beacon of Hope and Dreams......Now...not so much.....The last 4-5 years have been a challenge .....I never liked Donald J Trump......From day 1.....He was a terrible mistake....It actually took what looked like the cast of Duck Dynasty ( a bunch of tugs ) storming the Capitol for most of my fellow Republicans to jump ship........Where does the Republican Party go from here?.....
  3. To top it all off, Wood added a doctored image of the Georgia state officials donning masks with the Chinese flag printed on them, writing that Trump is “a genuinely good man” who “dislikes putting people in jail, especially ‘Republicans.'” Trump, apparently not turned off by the egregious claim, retweeted the post — shocking pundits on both sides of the political aisle: He is truly a despicable individual.....if you do not comply to his exact wishes...( facts not necessary ) .....you are scum....Can you imagine how bad it would have looked in any other Presidency to have POTUS fired his Chief of Election Security ( who belonged to the GOP ) because he would not go along with fraud claims.....for doing his job....just that move would mark an entire Presidency.....with Trump, it's a regular Wednesday.....destructive/divisive/false Bravado/Science Denying/lack of simple dignity............Trump has been a terrible mistake....
  4. We didn't need to be " perfect " to avoid that extra 100K dead...which, might be close to 150K by Jan 1st if things do not improve....to actively deride the masks wearing and making it political...is just one of the many ways Trump made the situation harder to manage...ignoring his own CDC time after time..etc...
  5. His explanation was that he basically did not trust Americans to do the right thing....he lied to protect our fragile state of mind....this, coming from Trump.....cannot make this stuff up !.....To even pretend to think that Trump did a good job on Covid is just silly.....
  6. Hummm.....Liberate Michigan....Liberate Minnesota....Liberate Virginia......those were his tweets when Dems States were shutting down......Aimed at making those States job to " control " the virus much harder......I don't remember seeing Liberate Texas.....or any other tweets when the red States were starting to close down.......Consistent ?...
  7. MAGAs stole my party.....the one thing that does give me hope, is that overall, the GOP did well down ballot......Blue on top, Red for the rest......so I think there's quite a few in my predicament.....
  8. For the record, I am a Republican.....a Republican that despised Trump.....not all GOP members are completely crazy !.....We need to stay away from those wide statements....not all Dems are " level headed " either.....
  9. Today from Wisconsin's ruling........Question for Trump's apostles........why are they not bringing fraud charges if it's " Wide spread "...........are they simply incompetent ? ( well, Rudy clearly is...but what about all the others.)...Are Trump's lawyers part of the Deep State movement ? I believe this is Trump's 51st loss in court...at what point does it become abuse of process ?...... "The Milwaukee County Circuit Court in Wisconsin has denied the Trump campaign's attempt to toss out 220,000 ballots it said should have been rejected following recounts in Dane and Milwaukee Counties. Judge Stephen Simanek noted the campaign made "no allegations of widespread fraud," nor did it submit any evidence that would support such claims."
  10. Texas or any other States has no legal rights to claim that officials elsewhere didn't follow the rules set by their own legislatures....... The United States doesn't have a national election for president........ It has a series of state elections, and one State has no legal standing to challenge how another State conducts its elections any more than Texas could challenge how Georgia elects its senators........ Can't be clearer than that !
  11. The U.S. Constitution gives each state wide latitude in how they run their elections and how they select their electors....... Texas does not have legal standing to sue to make other states run their elections, count their ballots, or choose their electors the way TEXAS thinks it should be done........ And consequently SCOTUS will also reject that case ......... It's really pathetic at this point.....Trump has more lawyers with Covid than he has wins.....
  12. I seriously wonder how any of my sane republican fellow Americans can still support Trump....You reach a point where the amount of ***** that needs to be swept under the rug outweighs the conviction of " following the party line "......He's not worth it...no single individual is....The GOP has to get as far away from Trumpism as possible....
  13. The fact that Republicans voted in line with the party, except for Trump, is a sign that there's hope for the GOP.....Say no to Trumpism....
  14. Unlike what his campaign has been putting in front of Judges this last month, I believe the State of New York will have ....what's the word I'm looking for....oh yeah!....Evidences !!
  15. 3 Republicans Judges, 1 appointed by Donnie himself, laughed Trump's case out of the court..... "Charges of unfairness are serious. But calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here," wrote Judge Stephanos Bibas, a Trump appointee, for the panel. The Campaign never alleges that any ballot was fraudulent or cast by an illegal voter," wrote Bibas. "It never alleges that any defendant treated the Trump campaign or its votes worse than it treated the Biden campaign or its votes. Calling something discrimination does not make it so. The Second Amended Complaint still suffers from these core defects, so granting leave to amend would have been futile." "The Campaign's claims have no merit. The number of ballots it specifically challenges is far smaller than the roughly 81,000-vote margin of victory. And it never claims fraud or that any votes were cast by illegal voters. Plus, tossing out millions of mail-in ballots would be drastic and unprecedented, disenfranchising a huge swath of the electorate and upsetting all down-ballot races too. That remedy would be grossly disproportionate to the procedural challenges raised," the court found. Trumpers are either ignoring the 30 some losses in court....which are all saying there's no proof.....or are creating their own little universe and safe place....
  16. Trump's lawyers have signed the below in PA...they clearly state that there's no fraud.... "“Petitioners do not allege, and there is no evidence of, any fraud in connection with the challenged ballots; Petitioners do not allege, and there is no evidence of, any misconduct in connection with the challenged ballots; Petitioners do not allege, and there is no evidence of, any impropriety in connection with the challenged ballots; Petitioners do not allege, and there is no evidence of, any undue influence committed with respect to the challenged ballots.” Can't be clearer than that........it's all about getting $$ from the cult.......
  17. Someone needs to ask Pompeo how the transition to a 2nd Trump term is going.....😎
  18. Maybe Trump will spend his latter years like Jimmy Carter and work with many different charities.....Oh no...that's right....he is barred from any charities due to ethical misconduct....oh well....
  19. Each time Trump loses a case, an angel gets their wings....
  20. This Trump sham is obvious.....he's never been known to be subtle... detroitnews.com/story/news/2020/11/11/money-support-trump-court-fight-flow-president/114862096/
  21. Trump himself knows he lost ...he's only squeezing his followers for every $$ he can....It's going to be all over by Dec. 14th....the campaign in is the red right now...the last few weeks of the race were costly.....and obviously, were pointless....80 Millions Americans said so.....the GOP needs to get rid of Trumpism ....now....
  22. This is getting absurd.....the failures of Trump's " legal " team are out there for ALL to see....but it's still not enough for the cult followers....they're trying to stretch it to Dec 14th...enough time to get as much $$ as they can from the gullibles....he is screwing his own base in plain sight....lying to them....and taking their $$.....Trump has tested positive for being an ####### for a long time now....
  23. I truly believe it's all about $$..the longer they can stretch it out, the more they can ask from their fans....he'll try to push it all the way to Dec 14th...or until someone with weight in the GOP says enough is enough.....
  24. Stop using logic...😎
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