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Everything posted by 4_kidd_4

  1. Huh. I was under the impression you get kicked out of Fredonia if you dont party hard enough.
  2. Whatever game(s) got Rex fired.
  3. Hey now, NO quarterback out there could get every first down or recover every fumble by himself. Its a team sport.
  4. Twist one up and some Genny Screamers...takes me back to the UB days...
  5. Do you even extrapolate, bro?
  6. Cowboy Bob or gtfo, imo.
  7. I fell off a bit myself, but last season was some prime stuff.
  8. This is a very fair point.
  9. Cool story. But not as cool as Kyle Ortons stache.
  10. Canadian confirmed Just teasin man. Half of my fam is Canadian, my Nana was born in Thorold.
  11. Wait a sec....theres a U in favorite...so are we talking Canadian time or US time??
  12. Guys, you have to look deeper than the surface here. This guy was the face of the franchise for almost a whole season, and hes put up projected numbers that we havent seen here in decades. Put personal feelings aside and look at the facts.
  13. All home games, sunday at 1. Perfect. Roadies, whatever!
  14. Whoa, more non-Billsy results this year! An effective trade back and an effective(thus far) first rounder?? Is this real life?
  15. I dont understand totally changing up a scheme that was very effective. Our guys up front were maulers last year, very entertaining to watch, especially pulling guards.
  16. Guys, projected stats dont lie. This is really such an easy call.
  17. Man, people will lift their leg in just about any thread.
  18. I was inspired to shave the beard down to a mustache and smoked a couple cigars at the tailgate during Ortons brief reign here. Hes got my vote.
  19. My Gramps was Antifa. He went over to Europe to kick their asses for a few years back in the 1940s.
  20. Yeah you can go ahead and say you dont like his style but dude is crazy talented. Busted out an acoustic guitar on SNL once, it was musically amazing.
  21. So...sewing together a patchwork playbook? Make sure to tie up the loose ends, and dont hem and haw about it or youll get needled. Im sorry.
  22. Lurker wins the internet.
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