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Everything posted by 4_kidd_4

  1. Rodgers hit is just football. Clean all day. Everything looks worse slowed down and under a microscope.
  2. I dont care what hes wearing as long as hes leading the charge and tossin touchdowns.
  3. If you were there and this is your only takeaway, well, I dont know what to tell ya. It was so, so much more.
  4. Yeah, not gonna lie, still a little star struck from last night. It was really really incredible. He has such range and versatility, and the best part is it is just so damn genuine. Could have been ten people or ten thousand people, he would have come across exactly the same. And as mentioned, the musicians were world class, just amazing.
  5. Kleinhans, with violin, cello and piano. Bill did poetry and sang some tunes with the accompaniment. Everything from Hemingway to Van Morrison to Jimmy Durante to Huck Finn and all stops in between. Capped off the evening by walking amongst the crowd and passing out roses/throwing roses at people. A truly unique and transcendent experience.
  6. Bill Murrays performance last night was amazing.
  8. Nupe it. With Nuprin.
  9. What was that TD celebration? Smooch the ball, slam it down and everyone text?? Eh? Anyone?
  10. Couple nameplate flips and you got yerself a nice Joe Webb set.
  11. Someone on the board was saying they knew inside stuff on why Watkins was traded. Dont remember which poster. Perhaps this is what the issue was?
  12. Nyet, nyet...no operatives here, comrade!
  13. Im feeling an old school paper petition in front of the NErF. Ill supply the clipboards and paper. Just need a script... Pardon me maam/sir, do you have a moment or two to speak of the virtues of Kyle Orton?
  14. Getcha hawt takes heeyah! Spicy!!!
  15. Its smart little plays like that. Intangibles. Live to fight another set of downs....on the next possession. #ortonup
  16. I think the extrapolated evidence speaks for itself.
  17. Im with you Exiled. I dont think he was being mean spirited either. It was a one-off comment, that really is no big deal.
  18. San Fran, Chicago...more money, more people, more dining and nightlife options?? Im shocked. Again, to each his own. Most people here dont care about keeping up. And if they do they leave. We get it. Theres a great big world out there. Theres also plenty of places that would kill to have dining and entertainment options like WNY. Its all relative, and its all preference.
  19. Lee Smith would be a good phony name to sign into a hotel with.
  20. Remember when Lee Smith jumped into the stands after a TD and nobody caught him?
  21. What invisible standards are we catching up to here? Buffalo and WNY is an area of no illusions. We like what we have here and arent hung up with keeping up with the Joneses. I think its a very nice middle-of-the-road town. We cant all be Miami or LA.
  22. Or....dude has millions in his pocket and can make his own fun anywhere, anytime?
  23. He wasnt beaten, he stumbled into a field, fell down a bank and drowned face down in a few inches of water. Sad really.
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