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Everything posted by 4_kidd_4

  1. Kristie Alley...Val Kilmer...Glooooballl Waaaaarming.
  2. Haaaa, so now yr the sensitive type? Thats too rich!
  3. Absolutely nothing, some people just struggle with coming to the realization. And thats ok too. Trust tree.
  4. Go ahead man, keep talking through it. Were here for you.
  5. Well...we had a guy leave the game and pass out in the bed of the wrong pickup truck one time. Same guy downed a jar of Ragu on a $20 bet....he did not make it into the game at all that day. Same guy was also once MIA for the home opener on a multi-day bender(this is before cell phones), and plopped in his seat right at kickoff with a beer in each hand and a hotdog in each shirt pocket. No point here, just listing off some shenanigans from my crew from the early 00s.
  6. The live experience can cover things, plus Id wager its all tuned down a few octaves. But like I said, doesnt stop a good show. A few years back he was on SNL with not too much to cover the vox. Yikes. Its only natural though, plus add on the r-n-r lifestyle for decades, his throat is feeling it.
  7. McCartneys washed. His voice is shot, unfortunately. But that doesnt necessarily stop a good show, my mom saw him last tour and had a blast.
  8. Well at least this guy can admit he needs a few minutes to himself after he sees JT.
  9. Certain posters seem awfully touchy when it comes to JT. Secret man crush, perhaps? Its OK, you can tell us, we are in the trust tree.
  10. I thought private lots are open to police patrols now? Thought it went through last season. Definitely saw some police ATVs come thru last year in the lot where we park.
  11. How long til theres a table leg thru a kidney or a lung? Someone set a line, Ill put $5 on the under.
  12. Ha, that makes it even better.
  13. The fat fugg that slammed the girl should be ashamed of himself for even entertaining the idea of throwing someone that small around. Yeah, she knew what she got into, but comeon. Thats a dandy way to smash a pelvis or a tailbone.
  14. The sarcastic overcheering when he finally caught one yesterday was fantastic.
  15. You mean bad teams get bad articles written about them? I, for one, am stunned!
  16. Im sure theres got to be some Metallica life advice for this question....
  17. Dont make me drop a Cookie OPuss up in dis dizzle mane.
  18. Ice cream cake, mane gotta get dat fudgy the whale swag game on.
  19. If they go they go, and Id be done. Must admit, I was a much bigger fan of the Ralph Wilson Bills. We had that old-school, thorn in the side of the big boys vibe. A true throwback to the AFL days. This Pegulaville/One Buffalo sales pitch is meh in my opinion.
  20. oh for fugg sake.
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