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Everything posted by 4_kidd_4

  1. The low scoring could have been a result of NHL players “adjusting” to the larger ice. Yeah, the middle gets bogged but there’s still more room for transition and speed. Here’s a decent breakdown; https://www.sbnation.com/nhl/2014/2/5/5327440/winter-olympics-2014-hockey-ice-size-nhl-rink-comparison
  2. I’m as old school as it comes when it comes to sports, but things need to change with the times. NHL in its current state is unwatchable during the regular season. Goalies are huge. There’s so much ‘fire it wide and hope for a bounce’ stuff, zzzzzz(Playoffs, however, are a different story). Opening up the ice would completely open up the game again.
  3. The “system” really doesn’t work in NHL these days. No one keeps a roster spot for a goon anymore. The ‘enforcer’ is becoming a thing of the past, and rightfully so. If the NHL was serious about safety, they would go with european size ice(would open up the entertaining speed game that fans want) , and ban fighting altogether. These guys are bigger, faster and stronger than ever before, and the equipment is practically armor. It’s not the 70’s anymore. Opening up the ice would likely also lead to less incidents along the boards, and you would need speed/skill players at about every spot. Lumbering defensemen and marginally skilled rats would stay in the minors. But to answer the OP, no. Not in the NFL.
  4. Anyone review the video footage of that broad trying to fight security in the stadium sunday? Hilarious.
  5. I don’t know what counts as actual “football” anymore.
  6. Agree. Big fish, small pond. Never liked his “look at me” persona. Outstanding NFL QB? Absolutely. But even 11 year old me, way back when JK first came to town, could tell the guy was a dbag off the field.
  7. Could be, could be. Either way, getting really tired of all the attached off-field drama with this league. Owners, politics, ratings, concussions etc etc etc. Add that to an increasingly unwatchable product(my team and the league overall), and I see why the NFL as we know it might be in trouble. I just wanna watch a damn game.
  8. Agree with 2 games, it was a very bad and intentional act. I think the league keeps missing opportunities to make statements on these types of events. This could be the shining example of how seriously the NFL takes head shots. But they’ll slap him on the wrist and that’s it.
  9. I didn’t like where the attendant made me park yesterday, so I got out and elbowed the people parked next to me in the head. It was just the frustration of the situation. Sorry!
  10. Guys, the brace protects his arm, so clearly he’s allowed to whack people in the helmet with it, from behind no less, in order to protect his arm.
  11. I can’t get past this meathead’s “excuse”...he was upset at the officiating so he assaulted a defenseless player, half his size. Uh, wot??
  12. Happened to me over there, wanted a fresh account and was gonna retire my 8_m_8 name/history. New name was instant banned for no apparent reason. Besides that, used to get the most random infractions for the silliest crap. Don’t miss that board at all, glad its demise led me here.
  13. Example, the review of the Zay Jones TD this past sunday. What are they looking at? Knee and elbow both down in the endzone, clear catch and control. But stop the game (and the woohoo! TD vibe) to confirm what we can all see at home, clear as day. Small example, but a good one to illustrate why the NFL product sucks. No flow, dragged out games, poor officiating.
  14. The NFL became entertainment over sport long ago. They can’t really promote big hits anymore (Jacked Up, anyone?) so the celebrations are just something to fill highlight reel space. Avert your gaze if the silly celebrations offend.
  15. Feels like an Arby’s night.
  16. 18 of 27 for 172 yards. YUGE.
  17. Ah yes, this ol’ chestnut.
  18. I work in healthcare, my license would have been revoked 16 years ago if I operated like this org.
  19. Get back to me when we draft our Pat Kane and Jonathan Toews.
  20. Yeah we got relocated there for the Saints game bc some sea hag decided to spew her entire tailgate all over our seats right at kickoff. Unfortunately that was the highlight of the day. It is nice up there though, I’ll give you that. Just don’t think I’d like to be up there if the game mattered, I like it when my section gets rowdy. It’s a party when things are going well.
  21. I’m not ‘done’ but I am going ala carte for tix next year. Pay a premium for the opener and then pick and choose a few others to attend. Just don’t want to be on the hook for late season garbage games anymore, especially when they start selling for pennies on the dollar on the street.
  22. We don’t need more meows walking around here, oh do i look good??
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