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Everything posted by 4_kidd_4

  1. Good thing too, I bet those guys are really slow by now.
  2. Ha, not bad at all! I do a pretty mean Sinatra btw, if you ever need me to tap in on anything
  3. A guy knocked silly always immediately makes the best choices. It’s just science, people.
  4. This was the exact scenario. Our section was full at kickoff, the only empty spaces were the upper deck corners. People began filtering out almost immediately, because it was definitely not going to get any better out weather wise.
  5. Not gonna lie, wasn’t too hyped to go yesterday. Turned out to be some of the most fun I’ve had at the stadium in years. He was amazing all day. Even did the “Hulkamania hand to the ears” a couple times to hype the crowd up. Loved it.
  6. After McD went ape about it and ran onto the field. The officials were like, “oh yeah, right” and broke it up.
  7. Yesterday was great because there was no roof. If we go dome, I’d just watch from under my own roof.
  8. This should have been a 15 yard bench penalty, McCoach was going nuts and the officials went and broke it up. As for the OP, our players did the same thing on our XP. McD was yelling from the sideline bc it was just Hauch and Schmidt clearing snow. McD made a kicking motion and all our guys started kicking snow. It was quite a scene.
  9. The cold and wind chill are the bigger issue for gametime, high of 30 w 25mph gusts. Lots of layers, folks!
  10. Yep, I know plenty more tix holders that feel this way. Showing loyalty to Ralph with our wallets doesn’t exist anymore with “drill a well” Terry. I have a hunch the ticket office already knows what their numbers are gonna look like next year and it’s not gonna be pretty. They are already cold calling season tix holders for “feedback”(read: sales pitch). I wonder if they’ll have the nerve to raise prices next season.
  11. You coming in for the game? Been “supporting” for 15 years of season tix. Been to so many pointless november and december games. I do not blame a single soul who wants to sit this one out. So many posts in this thread have covered my exact sentiments. Especially the one that touched on the “romance” of hanging in there and supporting the Ralph Bills to keep them here. I’ve done my part and I no longer feel that sense of “duty” to support a multi-billionaire who is botching BOTH franchises in this town. Yes, thanks for ‘saving’ our teams, but I do not have that same loyalty to the Pegulas. The TP Bills feel like a bad sequel to me. I will admit, I’m a throwback kinda guy. I loved Ralph’s AFL legacy, I loved that he was a thorn in the side of the big boys for so long. I loved that he kept that old-school mentality. Was he the greatest owner? Probably not. But he was certainly one of the most genuine, and I can appreciate that. I thought I’d hang in with season tickets until we get a new building, but as I get a bit older my time becomes more valuable than sitting in the cold all day for a soulless team. As some others touched on, on top of not being very good,this squad is flat and boring. The vibe at the stadium completely reflected that at the Pats game. One of the most apathetic crowds I’ve ever experienced, and it made me realize how worn down a lot of this fanbase really is. Going through the motions. Again. I’ll still attend games in the future , but I’m done with season tickets. It’s been a fun run, but I’m ready to let it go. Breaks my heart a bit, I haven’t been on my couch for a home kickoff in over a decade.
  12. a. Freezing yr A off at the stadium is worth it,and fun, when the game matters. b. You couldn’t pay me to go to a Sabres game these days. Snoozefest.
  13. Ayyy! Reminds me of my fave Bills/sports joke...(you really gotta sell the opening line)... ”My car got broken into last night. Had two tickets to the Bills game in my glovebox...now I have four.”
  14. November 1984, I was barely 9. Rich stadium v Cleveland on a frigid, rainy day. I think the final was like 12-3 Cleveland. Still reliving that experience over and over 20-odd years later!
  15. Good for you. I feel the same way, but the crew wants to ride out the year because some of us aren’t renewing next year.
  16. Took the little guy to the field house pregame, nothing but other disappointed folks with kids standing outside the locked doors.
  17. Nice replacement for Kids Day, right? I feel like Peguals are sometimes a bit tone deaf to their market.
  18. They were $6 at kickoff this past sunday too. Around $10 for New Orleans at kickoff as well. I’ll be sure to mention this when they start shaking me down to renew in January.
  19. I do it for the people mane!
  20. I’ll drink up all the Hennesy ya got on your shelf, So just let me introduce myself...
  21. That was a Polian quote.
  22. Coach McChurch-pants isn’t gonna “task” anyone with jack squat.
  23. 15 year season tix holder, about to attend my 99th home game in a row this coming Sunday.... How much time ya got??
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