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Everything posted by 4_kidd_4

  1. Such hate. Those poor Giants fans and all of their super bowl wins. I’m indifferent to the Eagles, really. But if them winning makes downstate/NYC/Long Island squirm, then I’m all for it. My UB years were a big eye-opener to how cocky amd entitled some folks can be, especially when losing 4 SB’s was still fresh around here.
  2. The mylar balloon taking out power at The Ralph. Throwback experience for a little while. No video board, no piped in music or sound effects, hand signals from the officials for time. Good stuff.
  3. Hey I hear ya Niagara. I’m walkin after 15 years. Yeah I know, I know, they broke the drought and all, but what better year to walk? Snow game was legendary, we back doored into the playoffs, fun season! And to wrap it up, I hit 100 home games in a row vs. Miami. Haven’t missed a home game since 11/2004. But now, as we put The Drought to rest, I must pass the torch. It was a fun run. I will still be there for a lot of games. Just don’t have all 8 per season in the gas tank anymore.
  4. Oh darn, I was hoping we could look back at that time when I was like 8, fell off the swing set and smashed my onions real bad. This’ll do, I suppose.
  5. and an 18 year playoff TD drought, ha.
  6. Idk, i already kinda miss the last one. It was, like, our ‘thing’. Now what?
  7. I like the classics, Green Bay, Indy, NYG, Chicago. Keep it simple.
  8. It’s the implication...
  9. I always thought “The Rick Dennison System” sounded like the name of a cheap guide to picking up chicks.
  10. Nice to break the drought and all, but I personally want no reminders of that performance in Jax.
  11. See when you put it that way, extended plans and all, it makes more sense. Wait, I missed the other comments, thought the Bills were doing 12mo plans. I agree though, renew or don’t, no deposits no bologna.
  12. I understand this completely. My point in the OP was that last year was the first year, after 14 years of personally being a season tix holder, that they attempted to hustle me up to renew. Claiming in January, “need yr $ or we might not be able to hold!”, as if there was a huge rush or waiting list to relocate. Not an outright ‘scam’ by any means, but a pretty transparent rush attempt. Relocation ‘event’ is usually May, they wait for better weather so people can come by the stadium and ‘see for themselves’. I went to the wire on renewal a few times, and for 14 years it was always ‘as long as we get a deposit by may’.
  13. So do you attend any or just try to flip all tix for a profit? Clearly the ‘secondary market’ has been taking a bigger beating the last few seasons, you saw a huge spike in seasons with the Rex hire, a lot of those were ‘brokers’ jumping in. This past season’s drop off was still part of the Wrex effect, I would think. But to your point re: preseason/late season, yes we couldn’t give them away either this year. Which did say a lot considering we were in contention all the way through december. I know my seatmate got a call from his tix rep in December to “check in”. My friend said he was likely out, and sited the abundance of $10 tix in December for years now, and the worthless preseason tix we have to buy. Said he would still attend games but would just pick and choose secondary market for select games. The rep gave him an earload about how you’d likely end up paying a higher premium for september games, and my buddy said “well factor in preseason cost that I’m saving and It’ll even out.” I heard they asked Tyrod to make the sales pitch, but the pitch just kept sailing
  14. Curious if any STH have received a sales pitch/invoice to renew for 2018 yet. Reason being, last year. The body wasn’t even cold on the ‘16 season and I received an email invoice on 1/3/17 for a deposit to renew(which I admittedly disregarded, based on the previous 14 years of having until around may to decide). It was pretty off putting, but the real kicker was receiving a snail-mail invoice with “FINAL NOTICE” in big red letters about a week later, and a voicemail from my rep saying ‘no guarantee we can hold your seat without that deposit!’. Felt like a real hustle to me. Had never been badgered that quickly after a season before. I certainly gave them bad feedback about the whole deal when they asked, and I know I wasn’t the only dissatisfied customer. Then I had to laugh when I heard tix numbers were down considerably, because the “hustle” made sense. Act like demand is up and supply is down. Had ol’ Russ written all over it. Anyways, I’m assuming the tix office will be a bit more gentle in their approach this offseason, just wondering if anyone’s heard anything as far as renewal/price increases etc.
  15. This thread is-a one a-spicy meatball!
  16. All three calls were correct, imo.
  17. gets funnier and more original every time. /s
  18. I think it’s pretty funny. Considered going because, road trip why not, and because we were there for them when they were down. Busloads of Browns fans came to Bills home games during the years when they lost their team. It was a nice little Lake Erie camaraderie.
  19. This is def worth a try, I’m in Niag Co and I pick up CBC and other TO stations crystal clear on antenna.
  20. Just hit me that it’s been 10 years. Cripes.
  21. Got a good feeling about our secondary this week for no explainable reason. Multiple picks came to me in a vision as I trudged across the frozen tundra of my driveway this morning.
  22. Swingin away! Drinking out of cups!
  23. Can we just let this cat have his/her own permanent dedicated thread already, instead of these weekly inane crap threads? The IceBowl thread. Post all left field hypothetical/“remember when” threads there.
  24. Wow that is really terrible. So unfair and unfortunate for those children. And good for Maybin, seems like he found a good calling in his life.
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