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Everything posted by 4_kidd_4

  1. Collinsworth and his takes have always been trash, going all the way back to old school HBO Inside The NFL. He used the expression “violent” last night about two dozen times. It was irksome. Ha, I didn’t see this before my I posted, but there ya go! It wasn’t just me!
  2. Cool to see NE lose, but Philly is a gross sports city. Right behind Boston in my book of classless blowhards.
  3. Couple guys in a different seat group told me they got calls last week. Nothing on my end yet. I’m guessing they’re raising prices, otherwise they would have been immediately all over our emotional high after the drought was broken.
  4. Glad you touched on Marchibroda. I remember back then they said they had a weekly handful of plays for red zone situations, and would only practice them at the last minute the week of the game. No film on them, and no chance for spies at practice. When the time was right, they would call it, or give JK the option to call it. Smart situational football.
  5. No one goes up until Kyle Orton gets his due respect.
  6. Also not your fault that 73% of all statistics are just made up.
  7. Spicy meter off the charts up in here.
  8. Good, put this to bed. No way I wanted to watch this guy further the tradition of mediocrity under center here.
  9. While there’s definitely something to this statement, I would still take into consideration giving a group of guys a chance at familiarity and cohesion with one another over a period of time. There’s lots of week 4 fodder out there that probably didn’t get a lot of real time, and some guys that are even signed that very week just to get thrown to the wolves.
  10. I’ll watch with an open mind. You can count me among those who’s interest in the NFL wanes a little bit more every year. I’m pretty much to the point where I only watch the Bills anyways, the spotty officiating, commercials and drawn out games that have turned me off over time. The political stuff, couldn’t really care less about, but that’s just me. I’ll give XFL a chance. It could possibly open the NFL’s eyes to some changes it should make to keep the younger generations interested. Soon, no one will want to spend 3+ hours watching a game.
  11. SLO iiiii
  12. He is walking away on his terms, and I mean that as he took heed of import information, assessed his personal life and made a good decision.
  13. I just want to be a part of this rampant speculation... I heard Ralph passed away...
  14. Don't act like you wouldn’t do coke, hookers AND start a sports league if you had the means to swing it all at the same time. I mean, one could safely assume that coke is what led to the XFL inception/reboot in the first place. Lots of coke.
  15. I’ve been pretty busy with low level business meetings myself...
  16. The last few years they started “revealing” commercials online days before the game. Kinda wrecks the novelty of it. But we’ll always have The Puppy Bowl!
  17. Comeon playoff hockey....
  18. Agree. Imo, it doesn’t take a grand scheme, or an all-out effort to sway a game. One or two calls/non-calls here and there can get it done. To add to your point...
  19. Posting here for locals in the area, this would be pick up/drop off within reason. Too heavy to ship. Haven’t played out in 10 years, this stuff belongs with someone who will use it! Ampeg 6x10 bass cabinet SVT-610HLF Used not abused, tolex wear from travel. All speakers/horn function and sound crystal clear. Here’s a listing for it new; https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/SVT610HLF Ampeg SVT-350 H Classic (solid state) One slider on the EQ is broken(can still be manipulated w a guitar pick), and the cooling fan rattles a bit. new listing; http://www.musiciansfriend.com/amplifiers-effects/ampeg-svt-350h-classic-head DM w reasonable offers, thanks!
  20. “They sell beer in the third quarter now!!!”
  21. Inflatable hamster bubbles for all!
  22. Ha, the wife and I still bust out the foot stomping “DARN DARN DARN” every now and then. I love wacky 60’s TV.
  23. Part of the reason I’m ok w dropping seasons is having a cousin w day 1 seniority. When the sched comes out I can just get opener and prime games through him at face value. Then I can play the secondary market for the in between or late season games. Figure whatever ‘premium’ I end up paying will be evened out by not paying full price for preseason tix.
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