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Everything posted by 4_kidd_4

  1. Wow, good for him, you guys know what you want and you get it! That’s great to have supportive parents, and even better that he is so dedicated, keep at it! I’d def say stick w both, bass players are always in demand. That’s kinda how I ended up a four-stringer. All my buddies played guitar and I started out on it too. But the first time I picked up a bass, it was instant love. The weight, the feel of the strings, the boom! I still love it. Plus, four fingers, four strings, it’s just natural Funny coincidence here, the first time I picked up a guitar I picked it up lefty and it felt so right. My dad said “nope, flip that over. You play lefty you’ll never find good gear you want”. Been a righty ever since. I guess he saved me some trouble down the line but dammit, lefty players are such a cool quirk and a couple of my all-time faves are lefties- Paul McCartney, Jerry Casale of Devo.
  2. Nah, it’s still just a paperweight right now. I’m not being super aggressive trying to move it, I don’t want to do Craigslist bc I don’t want random people coming by my house. May try ebay eventually. I don’t play out at all anymore, that ship has sailed. Just plunk a little blues here and there in my spare time, I’ll never let go of my Rickenbacker. Might grab an ampeg microstack someday, just for the heck of it. What’s your son playing through now? How long has he been playing?
  3. I almost mentioned the Hamster because I waited on him once, he was a real nice fella. Also, Lionel Dotson. The refugees here know the legend...
  4. Jon Dorenbos, stunt-snapping magician. Nice update on him, lifes twists and turns can be a crazy ride; http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000914914/article/eagles-will-give-ls-jon-dorenbos-a-super-bowl-ring
  5. And from then on, every time his name got called at The Ralph someone in my crew would yell “show ‘em your junk!!!”.
  6. The entire league is getting boring, imo.
  7. It’s a fact that some people would rather denigrate someone’s opinion instead of actually listening to it.
  8. I gotcha Stank, no worries man. Just humorous to me some of the “yeah buts”. Same type of people that like to point out, for example, that wrestling is fake. Or watch a superhero movie and say things like “psh that couldn’t really happen”.
  9. Is this a “get off my lawn” contest or something? Why is it so impossible to fathom that some people had a fantastic time while experiencing one of the more unique home games in the history of the franchise? Why is it also so hard to fathom that some people go to the games for the camaraderie, the tailgate routine and the experience of just being there? Yeah X’s and O’s are cool, but in my opinion not the be all, end all of how I enjoy home games. I like quirks. I like the unexpected. I like CFL football and classic 1-0 NHL goaltender duels. You guys still wanna hang onto and carry on about Joe Webb and botched play call months after the fact, then have at it. Not gonna prevent me from hanging onto a great memory that I shared with a some of my closest friends.
  10. I would love to see the broadcast. Only saw clips and hilites, but want to see the full broadcast sometime. Yes there was your typical Billsy playcalls/quarterbacks, but I’d much rather have a blast watching it all in the snow as opposed to our annual 17-13 December Dolphins game in 42 degree rain. I absolutely loved Joe Webb off the bench, fantastic plot line to add to an already crazy game.
  11. Agree so much with this. It was a unique event, something people will never forget. People griping about X’s and O’s should probably loosen up a little bit.
  12. Literally the best time I’ve had at the stadium in years.
  13. I want Nate Peterman to draw me like one of his French girls.
  14. Amazing how once you are “in” you keep getting recycled throughout the league.
  15. Tough diagnosis, often doesn’t manifest until early 20’s. Very scary condition.
  16. There’s an unhealthy Patriots obsession on this board.
  17. My impression is from roughly 12 years with an amazing rep, then she was gone and the new guy(s) aren’t the same level I was accustomed to. I’ll admit I was a bit spoiled, but she used to hook me up with special requests, hold seats for me, let me buy extras through my seatmates accounts, and there was zero ‘pressure’ to renew. It was always “take your time, we don’t do relocations until may”. It changed after Pegula took over, I’m willing to wager it came down from the top to cut such things off at the customer level. Which is fine, that’s their choice. You just eventually hit a point where you no longer feel valued as a loyal customer. It’s the little things. Sure the new reps are polite and courteous, but remember, they are still trying to sell you something. And the last few offaeasons have felt like a hustle. As I’ve already touched on, the entire franchise feels different, and I’m OK with whatever the future holds. It’s a different feel now, and I choose to reflect that with how much money I’m willing to spend on it.
  18. That’s obv fine, I’m sure others have had different experiences and different interpretations with this franchise. Personally, the snail-mail renewal letter I got last January with big a big red “FINAL NOTICE” was a little off putting, to say the least, after 14 seasons of gladly paying full price. January. I get it though, it is the ‘new’ NFL, and we have an owner with the $ who will now try to keep up, and play nice with the big boys. I accept that, and all that goes with it; stadium naming rights, voting in favor of relocations, eventual new stadium, etc. It’s still a different feel to me. Personally, I love being properly dressed and outside in the elements. But see my above reply, I’m old school like that.
  19. The tix office used to be on point, polite and courteous. Always had a good experience w them. Then after Pegula took over things changed. My (amazing) rep was no longer w the office and the new rep certainly lacked the customer service skills I had become used to. Suddenly renewal calls felt like a shakedown as opposed to a friendly reminder. I think it’s a good microcosm of the franchise in general. We went from an old-school ‘family run’ business that cared about its employees and customers to a ‘welcome to the new NFL, pay up’ kinda vibe.
  20. Same here, I’m in 125. That really is the only “perk”. But I can always stop by and visit. Most of my group is renewing and a couple guys only go to like half the games. I’m sure I’ll snag at least two games from them, and visit the old ‘neighborhood’. As far as the tailgate, that won’t change, been in the same spot for years.
  21. I’ve always been all in on Bills Island. That happens and I’m 100% on board your proposed floatilla.
  22. Well to each his own, but it is played out to the point of lame. I’m a Bills fan. That’s good enough for me. I don’t need to be a ‘nation’ or a ‘mafia’ or an ‘army’.
  23. I can’t remember what mine were last year, but they’re $610 this year. I’m out though, nothing to do w price hike. Gonna finally go with my “ala carte” experiment this year. I’m betting I can do the entire home reg season sched for under $400.
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