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Everything posted by 4_kidd_4

  1. Tennesee in our barn on my bday... Might have to go full “Frank The Tank” mode for olde tymes sake.
  2. Why the sudden hard on for the secondary market? Bet OBD was steamed at the Buff News articles about $10 Bills and $6 Sabres tickets. Improve your product, don’t blame the scalpers.
  3. Ah yes, the classic “I left and everyone that stayed behind is a rube” hot take. Sizzle sizzle.
  4. Was just about to chime in on this, you nailed it. I hold onto my blue collar roots. My grandfathers, dad and uncles ALL worked their asses off in plants. I am the first professional in my family that got a degree and a job. But you better believe I hold onto the same work ethic and the same “realness” that the men in my family exemplified for generations before me.
  5. Yeah anyone that questions Buffalonians’ “pride” is certainly trolling. Buffalove is real, and it’s only getting stronger.
  6. Like I already said, plenty of layers to this mess, no one here is letting NF politics itself off the hook. But it’s a chicken/egg type of thing imo. The state is certainly complacent with the infighting, it takes the focus off of them. I’m not saying I have an outright solution. I’m saying you have to start peeling layers one at a time to get to the core of the problem. Removing the NYS “overlord” status would be a good start. For example, why was casino cash going through the state in the first place? Why do they keep 75% of the cut and NF gets 25%? When the Senecas recently said no more cash to the state, but we’ll negotiate with the local municipalities, Dyster essentially turtled and deferred back to the state, while infrastructure that absolutely needs those funds continues to crumble. Power Authority(state) won’t pay their fair cut to local municipalities either. It’s a shame.
  7. Oh I can’t disagree here whatsoever, especially the current mayor who is a lapdog for Cuomo. It’s a wide variety of knuckleheads contributing to the hot mess. But as far as the Casino goes, Mayor Elia was essentially told to shut up and take her medicine by Gov Pataki. She was anti-casino and got railroaded by the state to give up the land. Terrible. There’s also Howard Millstein and his sham development group sitting on prime land and properties for decades now. Yanno, the same Howard Millstien that was chairman of the NYS Thruway Authority. What a shame. I do see a small spark in the Falls though, something to be said for the recent hotel development and the fact that big investors are starting to plant flags there(Paladino/Ellicott, Hamister, Savarino). It’s a start.
  8. Blame NYS for the WNY economy. Look no further than what could be a potential gem in Niagara Falls. State funnels everyone into their state park, keeps the parking money and angles every other dollar to Delaware North concessions on Goat Island. The City of NF be damned in their eyes. And that’s just one shining example. Don’t blame the locals. Blame Albany.
  9. A bunch of dudes smokin’ cigs and shufflin’ papers in the Holiday Inn ballroom would never sell these days.
  10. Easily the most overhyped event in all of professional sports. And if anyone’s gonna milk it to the max, of course it would be Leatherface.
  11. I forgot them all, it’s been so long.
  12. You get a free bowl of soup with that hat? Looks good on you though...?
  13. Everyone around here knows at least one “Dolphins Guy”. Dolphins Guy is usually an a-hole. I would assume the local younger generation now have “Patriots Guy”. He’s likely an a-hole too.
  14. Same helmet, different sticker for Denver.
  15. Hm. Where have I seen an ill-advised monochrome deep blue set before?? Blech.
  16. Don’t worry they only have like 673 games left this year to get back into the lineup!
  17. You all realize this is a game and no one forces any single one of us to pay attention or pay money, right? People getting all salty and riled up like Ralph came to your house and took bread off your table. Cripes.
  18. Buffalo News no longer gets any clicks from me whatsoever. It’s a filthy rag to begin with, and giving that ultimate attention whore OJ an audience was the last straw. They have zero integrity in my eyes.
  19. Nine out of every ten local people that I speak to about this feels the exact same way. Including my teenage nephews and college age interns. Preserve the old-school vibe but add modern touches.
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