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Everything posted by 4_kidd_4

  1. Yessss. She’s smokin hot these days. Her & Alyssa Milano were my same age crushes back then.
  2. It’s almost like the entire league is some sort of money making operation, and doesn’t really care about evenly enforcing rules so long as the superstars keep that cash cow full of milk 🤔
  3. My wife finds it hilarious that my first boyhood crush was Pam Dawber when I was like 7. Shazbot, indeed!
  4. At this point, Frank Gore is no Frank Gore as well.
  5. Agree. He can definitely still scamper for a couple TDs, and then just keep going up the stands and tack his own name on the Wall Of Fame.
  6. While we’re at it, what’s Fred Jackson up to these days??
  7. No. 716 or GTFO. Next question.
  8. Now there’s a name that I had literally forgotten.
  9. Spice on spice on spice up in hurrrrr 🥵
  10. I have two Norwoods, an 80’s game cut Sand Knit w the double stripes and a custom Puma.
  11. 84 Joe Ferguson w the 25th anniversary AFL patch.
  12. Yeah it’s pretty much the spiciest stadium take after “dome will allow us to host a Super Bowl!!1!”.
  13. Yr gonna want to bake the ring into the center of a cake, then make her eat it at the tailgate until she chomps down on the diamond.
  14. Still like Ralph better than zero personality Terry LaMoolah.
  16. Shoutout Sealab 2021 & Harvey Birdman.
  17. The very first Fourth celebration must have been nuts, huh @Chandler#81??
  18. Rex Ryan sends his regards.
  19. purple drank got dat ice cold oomph mane
  20. It had a capacity of 24 quarts, could fit 36 cans. It’s a mid-size cooler. Show some proper respect.
  21. Hey now, she purrs like a kitten with a hairball.
  22. Ma went to the great tailgate in the sky years ago. Pa lost a wheel a few seasons back, but he’s still out there sunday mornings. Just takes him a little longer to get where he’s goin these days.
  23. And there she goes…to a lady from Kosovo who also was also admiring my 1988 Yugo that is sitting out in my driveway.
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