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Everything posted by 4_kidd_4

  1. I swear, you guys dis me like 13, 14 more times and I’m friggin outta heeeere.....
  2. Aw gee shucks.
  3. So you’re saying Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker’s father??!?
  4. 60 years feels like a random number to warrant a patch.
  5. File under; Rat’s Ass. Sub-point; Who gives one?
  6. Dole’s on a roll! Dole’s goin’ to the Super Bowl!
  7. I’m sure these modern day fellas are fueled by pure carbs and water.
  8. Gimme the “smoke and a beer at halftime” generation back. Man’s game.
  9. How much ya bench?
  10. I love this post almost as much as I love your username.
  11. Ooh ooh I membah!
  12. Indeed. Good luck to the next fella, seat #1 has a nice 16 season ass groove worked into it ?
  13. Hey can anyone check if my old seat(s) were taken by relocation? My remaining group wanted them at renewal but were told “no”, bc of relocation process. 125, row 33, 1&2. Just curious.
  14. Ha! Hey guyses, if Buffalo and Green Bay had a child together do you think it would look more like Brett Favre or Jim Kelly? Either was I know I’d sure love that baby, you guys are all like brothers to me because it gets cold here too. Good luck!
  15. The shade of green is an improvement, but other than that this set is hot garbage top to bottom. The entire look smacks of all those late 90’s/early 00’s “the future is now” uniform changes. And black alternates are so passé.
  16. Not so sure about that quite yet... Poloncarz on renovating New Era Field: ‘Why would we not do that?’ https://buffalonews.com/2019/03/31/poloncarz-on-renovating-new-era-field-why-would-we-not-do-that/ "We know if we can extend the lifespan of that stadium for another 25 years, and if it worked for our market, why would we not do that?"
  17. As a KC Royals fan, this is all I can presently contribute to this thread at this point in time....
  18. I’ll say my usual 6-10. I’m a creature of habit
  19. Haha, fair point. Anyhap, edibles are easy enough to get in anyways, my wife makes some really nice chocolates
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