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Everything posted by 4_kidd_4

  1. Nope, that ship has sailed as well. How’s about this franchise starts winning and writing the next chapter at some point, so we can collectively stop living in the past? We’re due anyways considering success seems to find us on a 30-year cycle, 1960’s, 1990’s....2020’s?
  2. Good, maybe we’re finally done milking that sweet sweet 90’s nostalgia for good.
  3. Ha a group of us back in college, 94-95ish, drove out there at like 1am to hop the fence and run around the field. Couple guys go over, one dude slices his hand pretty bad, and someone still on the outside says “Hey! These turnstiles are open!”, so the rest of us just walked right through haha. Ran around the field, dove into the end zone and got out. Ah college, ah beer.
  4. The same family bloodline that cried and pouted their way out of Eli playing in San Diego?
  5. Hey if it ever snows 4 feet during a game, he’s THE guy!
  6. Well, I’d agree with you on the ‘stupid’ part, but I had seasons for 15 years of the drought, and went to 103 consecutive home games. I have no room to judge. Yeah but they get ya for full priced preseason tix, which are currently listed for $1.
  7. Ooh, you better run that by @teef , I don’t think he’ll appreciate you trying to make time with another bro.
  8. Was just on Gametime, it’s a buyer’s market for our home games, especially the late season. Snagged a pair for Jets@Bills 12/29 for $35 apiece, 8 rows from the field. Ravens the week before are similarly priced. I don’t want to break my annual “6-10” prediction streak ( ) I’m a creature of habit, but I’m thinking we could finally have meaningful home football games in December. Every home game except Pats and Eagles is pretty cheap right now. This team starts hot and the prices will go up. Buy low!
  9. Coaching needs that “step on their throat” mentality, haven’t seen it yet. Hope to see it this year. Less talk, more rawk!
  10. And the worst teams in each conference get relegated to the CFL, the Grey Cup champs and runner up get promoted to the NFL, and you play home field rules. Let’s get extra spicy with it!
  11. Ha, well I was mostly being cheeky, I obviously understand their position/role with the org, and that certainly doesn’t fire me up as you’ve described. For the most part, I avoid the official website, I’m not one for fluff pieces in general, sports or otherwise. As I was explaining to a “TeH SlaNTeD MsM!!!1!” friend recently, it’s up to the individual to decide what and where to read and “believe” as far as news. I try to stick with “hard copy” reporting, and avoid pieces labeled “analysis” or “opinion”.
  12. Hey, youse guys obviously don’t know what attractive is until you’ve been a jizzmopper in Vegas.
  13. No ranch, and we’re going to Judi’s in NF. Or Gabriel’s Gate on Allen. Or Mother’s late night off-menu. Or Bar Bill. I covered North, South, and City, so whatever’s good for youse guys.
  14. So we all goin for wings? Or nah?
  15. Agreed, but man I could go for some wings right about now. Ain’t no shame in my game.
  16. This thread really delivers.
  17. Can’t wait for her totally honest and unslanted pieces!
  18. Well it’ Kraft-Heinze now, so boycott the ketchup too for good measure. Plus, you’re sticking it to the Steelers too. Probably. And just to be safe, boycott Neve Campbell as well for her work in 1996’s “The Craft”.
  19. I just don’t shave. Electric trimmer to maintain the lines & growth, so I don’t go all neckbeard . The beard can be a bit warm this time of year, but it comes in handy around November. Also, amused by the dudebros in here that can’t handle a commercial. Too rich.
  20. Good luck avoiding everything under the Kraft Foods umbrella.
  21. Very happy for you that you finally got your Norwood, and it’s a game used that’s so awesome! The Pro-Bowl jersey is a nice feather in the cap, can’t say I’m not totally jealous! Thanks for the scoop on Bison Logo, I’ll have to check it out. The font on mine did bug me a little, especially the “O”s, but the letters were cut by a really good friend at a local shop, so there’s some sentimental value. Good to reconnect with ya, I really respect your knowledge.
  22. Found your IG, nice page. The link is no good, no underscores. Also those Nordiques jackets are ?!
  23. Friend of mine has home and away Sam Gash, and a different guy from the tailgate crew has a blue Mike Lodish. Here’s my second fave from my collection, 84 Fergy, with AFL 25th Anniversary patch.
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