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Everything posted by 4_kidd_4

  1. Our last possession leading up to the kick was a trainwreck.
  2. Did Hauschka playcall that last trainwreck drive??
  3. Vintage “who wants it less” yesterday. Oddly beautiful.
  4. Fantastic username OP. That’s all I got.
  5. Let’s take this opportunity to acknowledge how awful the Browns color scheme is. I think they make it even worse by trying to ‘modernize’ their uniform layouts. They’d be better served staying with the simple striped look they had in the 80’s, imo. Now, I will give them credit for sticking with tradition, especially in an era where pro sports are all about selling their branded “stuff” to the masses. We happened to be in Cleveland when we played them preseason last year. Didn’t go to the game, but the wife and I were out on the town that night, and man are their colors even more awful “out of context”, if you will. We ended up at Jack’s(?) Casino at about 2am, it was probably one of the saddest scenes I’ve ever encountered. I mean aside from the usual misery of a casino at 2am, the leaning drunks and haggard ladies all decked out in doodoo brown with loud orange accents really put the cherry on that shart sunday.
  6. The questioned posed was about media attention. My answer, if that’s what you’re referencing in your little tizzy here, was in response to that. We are boring and lack flow on offense. We also have no big names on that side of the ball. If Allen was slinging 350 and 4 TDs, or we were hanging 40 burgers on the regular , we’d ALL be hearing more about it.
  7. This is truth. Yeah, I’ll def take 6-2 at the halfway mark, but man, we are boring on both sides of the ball. Especially offense, there is zero “identity”.
  8. I think someone dropped a stash around your 20 yard line, pal.
  9. Peter Gabriel era Genesis or that awful 80’s schlock Genesis? Oh. Nevermind.
  10. I was 9, I was probably just stoked that I got to drink pop all day.
  11. I just remember the cold rain, I was 9 my little brother was 5, we were bundled properly, but watched from the upper deck tunnel. My dad wisely called it a day at the half.
  12. My first ever game in person, had just turned 9! It’s been all downhill since!!
  13. Ha, or as we call it “The Battle Of Who Wants It Less”!!
  14. When it’s been the “bum fight” of the NFL for like 20 years, yeah things are gonna get a bit dicey.
  15. Hates when things get political....turns thread politcal. lolzz.
  16. in
  17. Well, Hockey Night sure ain’t what it used to be but neither is the NHL. That said, I’ll take it over NBC coverage alllll day long. Love my HD antenna, I get CBC crystal clear from across the lake, and when the playoffs start I pretty much watch all that I can...which can lead to some arse dragging mornings. House rule at my place, you can’t go to bed if a playoff game goes into OT.
  18. Damn, this clip has it all, including an Andy Van Hellemond cameo! Schonny, Ruff & the gang, vintage Isles at Nassau, man, I loved 80s to mid-90s NHL. The league is so sanitized now.
  19. Yeah he was with the org for a while back then. He’s always been feisty! I was all over that ‘04 TB Lightning bandwagon, always liked Tortarella, and was very happy to see big Dave A finally hoist the cup. Always respected the fact that he went to a middling team and helped captain them to a title, as opposed to the guys that go to a stacked sure thing to get a ring, ie Ray Borque.
  20. Wow, what a classic squad that was, Mogilny, Hawerchuk, Andreychuk, May, Ray...was that Tortarella in the suit throwin haymakers over the glass at the beginning of the clip?? Fantastic!
  21. Do yourselves a favor and look up “Bill Burr- The Philadelphia Incident” and enjoy the entire 13 minutes. Pure. Gold.
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