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Everything posted by 4_kidd_4

  1. Honest question, why was this franchise considered a good idea in the first place? I don’t really remember much from that time. There had to be a better option elsewhere, no?
  2. So...pretend parade in Buffalo tomorrow then?
  3. Doin homemade wings & roast beef sandwiches.
  4. Oh, I certainly agree with you here. My statement is just part of the problem. Part of the reason I ditched my seasons was because I noticed the last 5 seasons or so of home games, no matter the score, by mid third quarter I was pretty much ready to leave. And I used to be a ‘stay til 0:00 no matter what’ kind of fan. My house is the same with college hoops over pro bball, for pretty similar reasons. Better entertainment altogether.
  5. I think you’re onto something here. I think there’s an overall sense of ‘fatigue’ from NFL overstimulation. It used to be a fall to winter thing and now it’s in your face 12 months of the year. It used to be a sunday afternoon thing, with a feature matchup on monday. Now we have sunday night, monday night, thursday night and even sometimes saturdays. The games themselves are so drawn out and the pace is just killed by all the timeouts. The at home experience gets more appealing every year too.
  6. “The Linemen” ftw! Those grainy shots of a pulling guard throwing a forearm into someones throat....heaven!
  7. Surprised he didn’t overthrow it, tbh.
  8. I’m still scarred that the words “The Buffalo Bills select Khalil Mack, Linebacker, University of Buffalo” didn’t come out of Rog’s mouth that day. Of all the draft day whiffs of the last 20 years, that one...still stings.
  9. Yes! I could ride my bicycle to games! All kidding aside, do what you gotta do here Terry, just stay out of the taxpayers’ pockets.
  10. Hey anyone else catch the article last week about Atlanta Falcons tix holders defaulting on millions of dollars in PSLs?? Careful what you ram down people’s throats, Rog. Here it is; https://www.ajc.com/sports/football/defaults-top-million-some-falcons-fans-struggle-with-psls/dlUNjpHXptU5edyPJGKNLM/
  11. So did he catch it yet, or still nah?
  12. I loved Steve Tasker way back when, one of my all time faves, and probably my #1 on those 90’s team. I was always a bigger fan of the hustle/niche type of players as opposed to the big names. That said, I think the HOF talk is pretty far fetched. Tasker was a standout and beyond at what he did, but his body of work isn’t Canton worthy imo.
  13. That’s rough for the KC faithful making the trip, they’re right up there with the best of us tailgaters.
  14. Yep, I vividly remember the principal of my first elementary school having a paddle shaped and painted like a tennis racket proudly on display. One time in kindergarten, our whole class had to march down to his office to watch a classmate get “paddled”. The kid bawled his eyes out, but in hindsight I’m pretty sure there was no actual physical pain, just shame and embarrassment. Still, a pretty jacked up way of doing things. This was a public school, circa 1980. Then I switched to Catholic school in 2nd grade. There was no corporal punishment, however, those nuns played some terrifying psychological games. Hell, I’d take the paddle over Sister Jane Marie’s coffee breath all up in my grill any day.
  15. ha reminds me of walking in on some roommates in college. a prong snapped in the outlet, roommate #1 was getting ready to try to pull it out with needle nose pliers, while roommate #2 was on standby with an aluminum bat to push roommate #1 away if he got electrocuted. derr. man we smoked a ton of grass in that apartment.
  16. “JA17”? We’re, uh, doin that now?
  17. And he really really disliked the booger sugar.
  18. Bring in “Ride The Lightning” era Metallica and I’m in. Post “And Justice For All”, nah you can keep that cabbage.
  19. Could OBJ possibly be a bigger “EVERYBODY LOOK AT ME!!!!” douchenozzle? The big spotlight is on these kids that just won a title and he’s running around doing everything possible to take it away from them. What a jerk.
  20. Not bloody likely!! I highly doubt he would want to come here regardless of the dollar amount or spot on the depth chart, what with the whole hotel thing and all
  21. Well sign him, open up a camp competition, and let’s find out then!
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