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Everything posted by 4_kidd_4

  1. Always been a fan of gin, but these last few years have seen an explosion in creativity and product selection, especially on the local front. Gone are the days of G&T’s that taste like a Christmas tree, although the juniper powered standards are still around if that’s your thing. Juniper is what makes a grain alcohol into gin, but there are many creative distilleries that have been playing with flavor profiles and putting juniper in the back seat with some amazing results. Locally (WNY), Black Button Distillery has been killing it, and are my local faves. Their line includes Citrus Gin, Loganberry Gin, Lavender Gin and a throwback style Lewiston Gin, which harkens back to a sweeter “Old Tom” style. Tommyrotter is another at the top of the local list. Their American Gin is smooth enough to sip on straight up, and is also fantastic in a G&T with a squeeze of orange and a cinnamon stick. Their bourbon barrel aged gin is also amazing, and I would definitely recommend using it in a traditional Old Fashioned in lieu of a whiskey. Lockhouse Distillery does great things too. Their New York Gin is easy on the juniper and very smooth. My top pick from them is their Sakura Gin, made with cherry blossoms. It’s seasonal so get it while you can. Very smooth with floral and herbal overtones, makes a fantastic Bee’s Knees. Craft tonic has also come a long way, it can be a bit pricey but it’s worth the try. Q and Fever Tree are at the front of that wave right now, and you can definitely taste the difference in their quality ingredients & real sugar. However if you go the classic route, I’ve found that the Canada Dry is probably the best ‘corn syrup’ tonic available, not overly sweet or bitey. Schweppes Tonic is also decent. I would avoid the store brands altogether. I’ve also been experimenting with simple syrups, so much you can do with honey, fruits & herbs. Happy to share some house recipes if anyone wants. Made a blackberry honey lemon-thyme syrup saturday and the wife and I killed a bottle of One Foot #### Queen City Gin (Buffalo Distilling Co., another great local!!). So Cheers! Let’s talk gin.
  2. There’s still people getting fired up over missed kicks from 30 years ago. Godspeed on this here doozy!
  3. This is good stuff. As a healthcare worker, everything helps right now. This is appreciated. And some of youse lunks need to put the negativity aside for a moment. Football is only a game, it’s not life or death like the current scenario is.
  4. Sorrentino’s on Sheridan in Tonawanda is a really good place to get a nameplate swapped out. A little further north, Stuart Sports in Lewiston does a nice job too. If you are in the WNY area, would highly recommend supporting such local businesses, not only could they use the $, but they are already tried and true masters of crafting Bills & Sabres fonts.
  5. Dammit, you beat me to it. Or as my buddy put it, headline style; “Bills Assemble Championship Caliber Roster, World Ends”
  6. Don’t forget Grady too! And I always thought it was pretty damned fantastic that Al reprised the character for perhaps one of the greatest music videos of all time...
  7. Every scene he ever had on that show is pretty much pure gold. ”I saw a provocative movie on cable last night. It was called “The Net”, with that girl from the bus.”
  8. Meh to the red helmets, personally. But I’m honestly surprised they kept the one helmet rule for so long, more helmets/looks per team equals more opportunity for the league to sell more crap.
  9. looks like “L.C.A.”. what a hack job.
  10. Homeboy crampin’ my style...
  11. You sendin’ the Wolf??
  12. https://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/sports-center---romano/n11217 We still quote some gems from this sketch on a regular basis. Sweet sassy molassy!
  13. Safety and Buffalo ball. Period. The worst part was the optics of the black clad “extra officials” running onto the field to intervene. Like, if you’re gonna hose us and also try to quash “tHe NfL iS FiXEd!!!” rhetoric, that was a reeeeeally bad way to go about both. Buzz down from the booth and meet on the sidelines, not middle of the field. Bad look all around, especially when you’re essentially making spit up as you go along.
  14. I never trust a fella that goes by initials.
  15. I had a collector/dealer friend of mine check it out a while back, he said likely $200-$300 minimum, in its condition. There’s some staining and the bottom left corner is a bit shredded. Man, if all the Beatles vinyl she passed down to us was VG to Mint, I’d def be sitting on a fortune. Like I had mentioned earlier in the thread, she was a kid and the earlier albums are pretty jacked up. But they still hold sentimental value to my wife and I.
  16. Now this thread’s cookin’ with gas!
  17. Holy spit, that L-Dot Sizzle running joke was my absolute favorite over there. Any time someone would mention meeting a player in public someone else would inevitably chime in “were you at a Walgreens by any chance?”.
  18. I got nicked for posting a link to a stand-up bit with one “s-word” in it. “We try to keep the board PG-13”, and when I pointed out that there’s plenty worse than that word in PG-13 movies I got nicked again. This was my only incident after years and years of following the rules. I still try to keeps it clean and definitely do my best to not say anything that I wouldn’t say to someone’s face. I was 8_moorman_8 over there, it was supposed to be a ‘temporary’ username but I kept it around on purpose every time someone said “yeah well what do you know about football, yr SN is a punter derrrrrp”. I’m glad the folks that I enjoyed the most made it over here, save for Butch ?
  19. Yeah yeah all youse fun police, I put “phrases” as well in the first post.
  20. So every offseason leading up to the draft, my crew’s Bills group message starts a pretty good back and forth of beat to death football phrases/clichés. Here’s what we have so far, please feel free to add any we may have missed. Sorry for some of the all caps, I’m copying from the group text... OVERDRAFTED PROJECT PICK CATCH RADIUS SCAT BACK PRO SET DAY ONE STARTER SECOND DAY PICK Franchise qb Big hands Process guy STRONG INTERVIEW VERTICAL LEAP INTANGIBLES HIGH MOTOR PLAYS TO THE WHISTLE ROAD GRATER Quick not fast No wasted steps Physical at the line End to end speed Football intelligence SIDELINE TO SIDELINE FIELD GENERAL Break away speed YAC Lateral movement Football fundamentals Edge guy Cover corner DEEP THREAT BIG BODY NORTH SOUTH RUNNER
  21. “Member”! haaaaaaa That dude was a legend and I always loved his posts for all the wrong reasons. Hey this is a serious business investigation, there’s no room for silliness like a poll.
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