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Everything posted by 4_kidd_4

  1. AND it’s gonna be dark by 3:30. Damn farmers.
  2. Rock, paper, scissors...SHOOT! Scissors! You’re cut!
  3. This is pretty much exactly my take as well. I’m all about squirmy, inappropriate humor, but there was barely any humor to it, imo. The original movie is definitely funny. This one is a big whiff.
  4. I’m all about a defensive slugfest, but this was a sloppy, no-flow slogfest.
  5. me for somehow staying awake for the entire game.
  6. A classic “who wants it less” out there today. zzzzzzzzz.
  7. Well at least it was an 80’s reference instead of a 90’s reference. ffs.
  8. Feelin very “droughty” out there again today.
  9. Made it about 45 mins and had to cut it. It’s pretty bad.
  10. my eyes. ouch.
  11. How many more process until we can hang with legit playoff teams? Asking for a friend...
  12. I actually really like it as is. Clean and simple, even got to keep the classic looking uniforms, sans helmet logo. I’d put the “W” they’re using on one side of the helmet and the player number on the other.
  13. they terk err fernss!!
  14. haaa these guys out here drama posting. ffs.
  15. No rooting interest, but I’d say LA because they lost to the cheating Astros. Plus TB already has two Cups and a Lombardi, and that kinda chaps my arse a bit as a Buffalo fan.
  16. I live on a dark, semi-rural road with no sidewalks. And in our 40’s we are somehow the youngest people in our immediate neighborhood. There are literally no children around to trick-or-treat. We don’t have kids either. I mean we’re gonna buy candy anyways. And eat it ourselves.
  17. Ah yes, there’s the 30+ year old reference. The circle is complete.
  18. Go grass. Mud, sweat and tears woulda looked good in that old-school AFL matchup last night.
  19. Welp. I thought last night felt like some drought era football. Punter being the game mvp kinda cements that vibe.
  20. Looked like some prime drought era football out there tonight. Mess.
  21. Haven’t we had issues with the last two versions of turf? Just go with grass already.
  22. Perception is reality. Reality is perception. Bust.
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