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Everything posted by 4_kidd_4

  1. People tend to forget Ralph paid those 90’s rosters pretty handsomely at the time. For example, from 1992; https://www.deseret.com/1992/1/25/18964003/bills-have-already-won-the-salary-bowl-barely “Buffalo's total payroll of $25,641,500 amounted to the fifth highest in the National Football League this season.” Obviously his philosophy never really worked out into the salary cap era, but that said, this is a derpy thread for the sake of being a derp. So in conclusion; Derp.
  2. Well while I was puking my way around UB, I was a Comm major with a Media Studies minor, so respect to you.
  3. Dang, you really wanted to be sure, huh? Don’t see many Peter Jennings name-drops these days 😂
  4. I'm gonna guess it came from Structure? Before Structure I worked at a Chess King, lol! Lmk if any gems from that classy joint show up in your wardrobe!! Then I discovered the restaurant industry is where the money and the chicks were. Never worked retail again.
  5. Well yeah. I probably drank half a barrel myself that night 😂 Then there was the time I was taking a leak on the wall outside of PJs and some Buffalo cops rolled up. Shouted at me to come over to their car, and asked for ID, berating me the whole time (definitely deserved) for pissing on the street. I had to shuffle past my chalked license and handed them my student ID. Cop says “I’m holding this until you go back in that bar, get some water and rinse that f—in wall off!!”. Which I did. The bouncers were cracking up, pretty sure the cops were trying not to crack up. Gave me my ID back and said “next time go back to your dorm to piss!”. Man I used to be an idiot. Still am, but I used to be too.
  6. It’s all relative my dude. Young at heart. Old in the knee bones. I was also driving an 85 Chevy Cavalier and working at Structure. None of which even exist anymore.
  7. Right? And the $5 Drink-n-Drown cup at Molly’s. Well whiskey “7&7s” and then over to PJs for terrible draft beers lol! Ah, sweet bird of youth...
  8. https://www.billboard.com/charts/hot-100/1993-11-05 Billboard’s Hot 100 from 11/6/93...topped by Meatloaf’s “Anything For Love”. Which is somehow worse that drunk-puking in public.
  9. Freshman year of UB. I puked on a table at the Subway across from the Metro Rail on Main one night after PJ Bottoms. I was definitely “that guy” for a while. Live & learn! (and don’t order a meatball bomber on a belly full of Golden Anniversary!)
  10. Ha, my dad’s head almost exploded that day. He was calling for Mahomes to be our pick for months!
  11. Victory formation kneel down.
  12. Colbert was fantastic in “Strangers With Candy”, ‘The Colbert Report’ show & character that he played was always good and he’s probably the best interviewer currently in late night talk shows. However, I do get a little tired of the overbearing political stuff. I’ve always loved Conan for the fact he’s always done it his way, critics be damned. And he got majorly stiffed on the whole “Tonight Show” debacle. Fallon is about as funny as a gallon of skim milk & Kimmel is a solid “meh” for me. I never really watch Seth Meyers so I can’t comment, but I actually really like James Corden when I’m up that late. His format has a throwback feel to it with all his guests on panel at the same time.
  13. idk, but my buddies spotted him at an airport and asked him to take a pic w them, and he did. and then he said “Twenty bucks”. They gave it to him. Hey, Sheik gotta eat too.
  14. So you think you know, but you might not know. Solid. Got it.
  15. There were 33 guesses so I used a randomizer wheel, 1 thru 33 assigned to the order of guesses... The 11th entry was @Nester. Dm me your address and I’ll get it in the mail to ya next week! The actual winning number was 59. Someone said birthday was a possible clue, and I posted this contest on the date of the Bills birthday, 10/28/1959!
  16. No winner yet. So I’ll give it a few more hours. If no one gets it by then I’ll use a random generator to pick the winner. Thanks for playing along!
  17. Man, best ever/top ten...that’s no easy task. So much gold in those earlier years. We can definitely take that discussion to OTW.
  18. Maybe 1-99 was too wide of a range 😂 I’ll give it another day or so, if no one gets it then I’ll figure out a ‘second chance’.
  19. Now when I say “Hello Mr. Thompson”, and press down on your foot, you smile and nod....
  20. Some good guesses, no winner yet! Keep ‘em comin! Also, I still have a closet to clean out, so there may be another giveaway after this one.
  21. Ok so, this is geared towards youse that might not make it to the stadium/Buffalo too often. I’m tidying up the man cave, and I have some extra stuff I’d like to pass along to another Bills fan. Nothing huge, but stuff some folks might not have had the chance to get- season ticket holder pins, schedule magnets, and gate-giveaway towels, including the ones from Bruce Smith & Thurman Thomas nights, along with a couple other random Bills items. Here’s the only fair way I can think to do this; If you’re interested guess a number 1 thru 99 in this thread, first correct guess gets the swag. I have already let @Hapless Bills Fan know the lucky number as my witness. One guess per user, please! Shipping is on me. Good luck!
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