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Everything posted by 4_kidd_4

  1. Gregggg from 20 years ago ain’t got spit to do w these here new Bills. Live in the past, die in the past. Onward and upward. Eyes forward. <<insert your own preferred cliche here>>
  2. Let it go, let it go-oooooooo....
  3. I think tomorrow as well. Definitely a long shot.
  4. You could probably party down with this crew pregame. BYO therapeutic socks though. (for the record, I snapped this pic because they are adorable little Bills bluehairs. kinda sums up what this team means to the community.)
  5. Buddy of mine got his eligibility email, offered me a spot if he gets tix. Fingers crossed!
  6. Science based methods, smart an controlled. I can get down with that.
  7. Greatest rasslin’ theme ever. Fight me.
  8. We just reaching for things to bit*h about now? What’s next? Boo hoo our punter didn’t make the pro-bowl?? Oh, wait.
  9. Hm. Ok then.
  10. I’ll see it, but it’s got hot garbage written all over it, Leslie Jones or not.
  11. Love the original but I just can’t see this new spin being any good. Also saw Leslie Jones is in it. That’s some comedy kryptonite right there.
  12. WRX dingdongs giving the rest of us responsible Subaru loyalists a bad name.
  13. Have you tried hydrocortisone?
  14. Oh the biting irony of seeing Andre in a “Hurt in a fall? Give Berkun a call!” advert on the teevee last night....
  16. Yeah this was before “throwbacks” were really a thing, and Ralph half-arsed it because he didn’t want to drop some coin on new helmets and jerseys for one or two games. The only time period accurate part were the socks, ha! I believe it was done for the 35th anniversary of the AFL & 75th anniversary of the NFL. Here’s a good breakdown of the helmets; http://nfluniforms.blogspot.com/2011/07/throwback-helmet-evolution.html?m=1 “Bills: Fail. Changed only the logo from the charging blue buffalo to a standing WHITE buffalo. Meant to show the 1962-73 logo.” another breakdown; https://boards.sportslogos.net/topic/76682-1994-nfl-throwbacks/ “As for the Bills... horrible attempt. Left the helmets red, and instead inverted the buffalo on the helmet from red to white, so that it fit on the helmets. Striping pattern was also off.”
  17. I got a lot of problems with you people...
  18. Yeah, we’re really socking it to them 🙄
  19. Surprised he doesn’t instinctively throw around head shots on the NBC set.
  20. We all grew ‘staches and smoked cigars at the tailgate. What a time to be alive.
  21. Wish that Statue Of Liberty would have counted. That was a stone cold hundred year old throwback.
  22. Don’t click. You can’t unsee it.
  23. “Elegance”!!! That’s too rich!
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