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Everything posted by 4_kidd_4

  1. Looks like a buncha crap out there as far as “commercial” setups. Might just go old school wired house speakers.
  2. Yeah gotta bail while you’re ahead. I’m not really much of a gambler, but squares are like scratch-offs, keeps you entertained for a minute. I’m in one for this SB, it’s a “by the minute” payoff. And there’s all sorts of cousins and corners and reverse scores. I don’t even understand the details, just tell me if/when to collect ha.
  3. I hit a final on a $20 square for $450 earlier this season. Then hit a $20 quarter for $125 a few weeks later. My luckiest season to date 😂
  4. Have him send me a SASE & a $200 check made out to “cash” and I’ll get those hot tips in the mail to him ASAP!
  5. I think things have evolved a bit in that timeframe, but dang it’s still tough to find any reliable sources out there.
  6. Any thoughts/ideas/experiences/recommendations out there? Looking for something for an aprox 900sq ft room, ideally with wireless speakers. For a tavern setup. Don’t need too much ‘boom’ but balance & sound quality are still important. Any help is appreciated, searching the net kinda makes things more confusing.
  7. I didn’t known that, I thought they all folded. I agree w your assessment. I’d be surprised if the Galleria itself lasts much longer. I haven’t been there in at least 5 years.
  8. Zoinks, that thing is awful. I believe Laux are all gone, forever. Too bad, they were my cap & jersey go-to back in the day.
  9. But do smelling salts have any effect on skin color? Asking for....a friend.
  10. Prime mock draft season. Hard pass.
  11. Comeon september....
  12. ALF, followed by the world premiere of RUN DMC ‘It’s Tricky’ video. Bet I still have that tape somewhere at my dad’s house lol
  13. Very first thing I ever taped on a VCR? An episode of ALF. True story 😂
  14. Jim Kelly, Kim Jelly, Jelly Donut, If Yr Gramma Had Nuts She’d Be Yr Grampa, Bills By A Billion.
  15. Were you taken hostage at the end of this sentence??
  16. Shoot the jay. SHOOT IT.
  17. Those are the cleanest look. White over blue is razor sharp, classic vibe with a modern look.
  18. Did you really just fact check a Ric Flair quote??
  19. We’re that harmless, nice guy franchise that charms the folks when we pick up their daughter for a date. Totally gonna play stinkfinger at the drive-in though.
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