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Everything posted by 4_kidd_4

  1. https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/nfl-contemplating-rule-change-for-helmets-that-could-lead-to-return-of-multiple-classic-throwback-uniforms/ “Although the one-helmet rule could be scrapped as soon as 2021, the league hasn't officially made a decision on what its going to do. "There will be no change for the 2020 season," the NFL said in a statement, via PFT. "There are ongoing discussions for a potential change for the 2021 season, but no decisions have been made." “ “Speaking of red helmets, the Bills would also have the option to wear their throwback. “
  2. This is incorrect. There was no “one helmet” rule back then. We simply half-assed the whole thing in ‘94. And I do understand the rule is being revisited for this coming season, hence the possibility of the 90’s look.
  3. Someone’s gonna “OK boomer” you. Not me, but someone will Nothing wrong with nostalgia from your youth. But part of my point here is that you’ve seen all the uniforms in real time. I’ve seen all the uniforms in real time, via 60’s throwbacks. There’s now an entire generation of Bills fans that have never seen the 90’s look take the field in real time. It’s good nostalgia, and a marketing & merchandising no-brainer.
  4. For youse dudes puking on the OP, I’m not saying full-time change. Just for a couple throwback games. Our 90’s blues v. Pats throwback reds on a thursday night? Yes please.
  5. I love the 60’s set, but they’ve had their time. I’d choose the 90’s look for a few seasons if it was my call. I believe it was Tom Donahoe. Just another terrible part of his “legacy” here.
  6. I agree, the logo pops much better against white. But the reds would be a solid novelty a fee times a year.
  7. I do my best to try to not live in the past, especially with hanging those 90’s teams over the heads of these new and improved Bills. However it’s been almost 20 years since we ditched the 90’s unis for those awful dark blue, arena league lookin’ duds. I will say we currently have one of the sharpest sets in the league, I thought it was great going back to the true blue & white helmets. That said, the time is right for bringing back the 90’s look. There is now an entire generation of fans that this would be a true throwback for. We also have at least two nationally marketable stars in Allen & Diggs, from a money standpoint those jersey sales alone would justify this move. Not to mention how hot “retro” is with the kids these days, they are paying big money for older gear at the vintage stores. The Bills could cash in on a whole line of official product featuring the red helmets. If that’s not convincing enough for you, peep this. https://www.instagram.com/p/CGyO3C_lmjB/?igshid=1r6brk4ecmu4d Looks amazing. **edit- I meant this as a game or two, NOT a full time switch. I absolutely love our current uni’s, but man some of you guys are a little over sensitive about defending them 😂
  8. I read somewhere that Michael Jordan is the Michael Jordan of Michael Jordans.
  9. Youse guys ‘member James Starks?
  10. Youse guys ‘member Don Majkowski?
  11. ....something something cheaters/marcia/refs/sits when he pees. and so on. it does get awfully stale.
  12. But they didn’t. And that’s that.
  13. I was a bigtime hockey fan when I was younger, the on-ice product was so good in the 90’s and the league was top entertainment up against the other pro leagues at that time. To counter your point, in the 00’s the league cared too much about expanding their footprint and imo ended up watering down their overall product. They made a couple good moves in moving Atlanta to Winnipeg and giving Seattle a franchise. They should keep going and get AZ and Florida Panthers out of those markets. Go back to Quebec City and give TO a second team. The demand is already there.
  14. If youse guys dig the psychedelic/stoner/art rock then check out Thee Oh Sees.
  15. I used to feel the same way, but these days the regular season product is not very good, imo. I honestly wonder how the NHL is even still a thing, and how much longer it can be sustainable. They took it on the chin last season, and this season isn’t looking so hot either. According to this article, five franchises are responsible for 25% of the entire league’s revenue, and without them NHL would have been $50mil in the red. Yikes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/mikeozanian/2020/12/09/nhl-team-values-2020-hockeys-first-decline-in-two-decades/?sh=4279b14670dd
  16. Mock drafts in 3...2...1....
  17. Eh, we’d all love him if he was “our” dirtbag. I’d sign him in a second if he wanted it.
  18. “Sounds like their cool”. Nice editing 😕
  19. Fare thee well, Mr. Smith. May we never forget the time you leapt into the stands and nobody caught you.
  20. No, we need to live up to that “whiniest fans” label!!
  21. Do you have the Carl Yastrzemski with big sideburns??
  22. So...homemade pizza dough, yeah or nah?
  23. Well at least this is a refreshing break from all the whining about Tom Brady ‘round here.
  24. How’s it goin in here? Anyone try Web MD yet??
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