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Everything posted by 4_kidd_4

  1. Didn’t it come out already that Pegulas prefer open air, and so does the league from a marketing standpoint? Are people still harping on the dome thing? It’s not gonna happen.
  2. We called him Banana Biscuit because he wore #97. That’s all I got here. I’ll show myself out.
  3. We’re gonna need a visual on that Wade card please.
  4. You got ranch in yr eyes? No means no to your horrendous all red nightmare.
  5. Red helmet w red jersey = gross. 90’s look = alllllriiiiiighhtttt.
  6. When you finish the Joe….YOU GOTTA MAKE SOME MO’!!!!
  7. The “W” is just ok, but man their uniform set looks like D-2 college.
  8. This is the key to everything NFL.
  9. Not terrible, but I thought they should have just embraced the simplicity of the WFT branding.
  10. Buncha old buildings and broken azz statues. That’s how.
  11. I think he should petition the league for a three numeral jersey and go with 170.
  12. Wow, surprised the franchise hasn’t folded yet!
  13. Bills by a billion! See you at the stadium tomorrow!
  14. I’m just afraid this thread may become the new annual “We should get Jim Kelly in here to coach” thread. 😬
  15. Rushing the passer & squib kicks.
  16. Someday we’ll all let go of the ancient history comparisons. I, for one, welcome that day.
  17. Put 15:00 on the clock and play til 0:00. The fifth “quarter”.
  18. Yep. Was texting about it. Any type of short kick to kill 3-4 seconds. Dammit.
  19. 🥵
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