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Everything posted by 4_kidd_4

  1. This shot reminds me that i also own one of those glass light covers, it’s safely tucked in my house, idk how or where I could mount it to the ceiling. It popped up on ebay, a guy on the demo crew had several for sale. He said he asked the boss if he could salvage stuff and was given the “OK”.
  2. A bunch of those are my pics, I used to have them posted on a friend’s site. I ain’t even mad though, I’m glad ppl enjoy them. the bottom pic here is mine. wow what a difference in 4 years. like i said previously, downhill quick once they cut the power.
  3. I was at that game too. Good thing my friend’s dad is a die-hard because we asked if we could leave at halftime. He said “let’s get a hot chocolate and see what happens in the third quarter”....and the rest, as they say, is history
  4. Must be phonies because at least 250,000 people claim to have been there that day Nice item!
  5. @T&C That video looks fantastic!! Just skimmed thru it real quick, I’ve seen parts of it before but never all compiled like that, I look forward to watching the entire thing.
  6. Perhaps they’re holding off due to potential capacity issues.
  7. The Aud dank. That’s a smell ya never forget. From what I understand they literally locked the place up as-is in 1996. After that the floor was occasionally used to build large set pieces for Sheas. I think somewhere around 2001-02 they opened it up to the public for a fixture sale. Basically you could buy any equipment you could pull. I saw pics from around that time and it really looked like they could put some ice down and play hockey, it was in pretty good shape. Then from what I understand shortly thereafter they stopped powering & heating the building, which led to pipes bursting, water damage, and a swift decline of the interior. When I was in there it was freezing temps, and the upper concourses were iced over. Then I was in again about a week later, it had warmed a bit and water was literally flowing down the staircases in the seating bowl. The basement was also flooded with at least a foot or two of water. Lots of collapsed ceilings and exposed rebar. I read somewhere they left a huge video library amongst other significant ‘artifacts’ that were eventually pillaged. We found file cabinets full of event permits going back to the 40’s & 50’s. There were some floor panels from the basketball court , some visitor team nameplates from the scoreboard. I wasn’t on a thievin’ mission but I did grab some papers including a pretty unintentionally funny marketing report from the early 80’s, an inter office memo initialed by Norty Knox & other execs, a stack of official Aud mailing envelopes, a program from the last Sabres game at The Aud, and a season ticket brochure for the last Sabres season there ($240 for a whole season in the oranges!!) which features some concept drawings of “Crossroads Arena”, remember that?!? I can snap some pics of this stuff too.
  8. @Seasons1992 Here’s a few pics I happened to have on my phone. Will add more from the vault later. From several, ahem, “field trips” inside the shuttered Aud, ca. spring 2007;
  9. Yeah the backs of the blues that I have are still original grey paint. And I believe you are correct, they went blue during the roof raising renovation.
  10. Ha! Hold off on that, I have plenty of pics without my stupid mug in ‘em 😆 I’ll post in OTW tonight. I can also email you higher res selections too if you want em.
  11. Yes to all of the above, plus WWF! Saw my dude Rowdy Roddy Piper amongst other legends. A little teaser for ya, reach for the stars!! 😆
  12. Yeah I remember that building like the back of my hand. In fact, I took several unauthorized “field trips” inside back in 2007. I have a ton if pics, I could make a thread in OTW and post some. It was crazy, like they literally just locked the doors in 1996 and just left everything intact. The blues were from an official sale in ‘09, they ripped them out before they started tearing the building down. My wife & I showed up at 5:30 am the day of the sale and were 9th & 10th in line, so we snagged two sets (one per customer). You could have paid extra to have them autographed by the French Connection and I kinda kick myself for not doing it.
  13. Thanks man. Mom was a big part of growing up into Buffalo sports fanhood. My grandfather used to get some cherry seats thru his boss season tix, lower blues on the blue line, bench side & my favorite spot reds (sec 2, row J, 4-5-6!). Those were the best bc we were two rows directly behind one of those corner scoreboards, so a very unobscured view. Great memories in that building. I also have sets of 3 & 2 blue seats, 3 are in my living room
  14. Mine too, and she passed in ‘18. Total Buffalo sports gal, would have been nice to get a Lombardi or a Cup before then😥 Very fond memories of Sabres games at the Aud together when I was a little guy.
  15. “No article about fascinating Stanley Cup stories is complete without the tale of Kris Draper. This legendary center won the Stanley Cup four times during his career with the Detroit Red Wings. Obviously, he has countless stories to tell when it comes to hockey. But none of his stories will ever come close to what happened in 2008 when he decided to put his newborn daughter in the Cup. Now imagine the reaction from everyone as the baby went on to poop inside the Stanley Cup. That almost makes you feel bad for everyone who drank and will drink stuff out of the Cup for years still to come.” https://www.thesportster.com/hockey/top-15-nhl-players-who-disgraced-the-stanley-cup-trophy/ Funny read!
  16. She said she didn’t sleep for two days over it. Get a goddamn grip. She should read about some of the misadventures the Stanley Cup has had.
  17. While we’re at it, what’s Mike Jasper up to these days?
  18. Wait. First you complain about a dated looking logo....and then post this, which is actually older than the charging buffalo. Come on man! 😂
  19. Yeah I hope so too, it would open up options for a bunch of teams/ For one, Bruce Arians definitely wants to wear the creamsicle unis in TB. They are the champs, and also Tom Brady, so I can see this having some sway in the discussion. https://www.tampabay.com/sports/bucs/2020/03/25/could-the-bucs-classic-creamsicle-uniforms-make-a-return-bruce-arians-says-yes/
  20. Part of my point is that this set had had its turn. And I agree they are classic and sharp. When the team took the field in those throwbacks, you could say to your kids or grandkids, “thats what our team looked like when I was a kid!” Now it’s time for those of us who were young in the 90’s heyday to be able to do the same.
  21. I absolutely agree w this. I didn’t mean full time switch, just a novelty game or three. See the above CBS article I posted, they referenced us & a bunch of teams that would be able to do throwbacks if the one helmet rule was abandoned. I think it will be- concussions & CTE etc. fell out if the news cycle years ago. And also, think about how much the NFL loves to take your money. And then think about how much more they could take if teams had multiple jerseys, and a wider variety of licensed merch.
  22. I prefer to gauge interest based on puke emojis.
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