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Everything posted by 4_kidd_4

  1. You guys know he went to Harvard?
  2. We called it at 45 mins in. Couldn’t make in another whole hour. Woof.
  3. Interesting. And do we happen to know where Dominik Hasek’s wife was during all of this??
  4. Did it ever come out what actually happened there? Wasn’t there NDA’s involved??
  5. It was preseason, gotta work out the....kinks. I’ll show myself out.
  6. It’s all good, Sabres are far from pro.
  7. I know nothing about building or hosting a site, but I would gladly give all I have to someone who does.
  8. Hey Whitey! Where’s your hat??!? Alright, let me get at that other folder and I’ll post some more soon.
  9. Huh, I couldn’t tell...
  10. Fair, but imo I don’t see the league going for that before moving teams like Arizona or Florida out if those dead end hockey markets. Crazy how many NHL teams currently lose money, Buffalo being one of them. I don’t see Pegulas selling. Field a winner and that revenue will bounce back.
  11. I have a little toy car I keep in the garage all winter. Last year a mouse nested up under the hood and luckily only disconnect a tube for the wiper fluid pump. Put some mousetraps around the garage this year, and now you’ve reminded me to check the traps and to also check under the hood!
  12. Was having this conversation earlier. Where could/would someone move this franchise? We have one of the consistently top US hockey markets when it comes to TV ratings. A lot of NHL franchises are losing money, including Islanders and reigning champ TB Lightning. Seattle & Vegas just got expansion franchises. If anything, the league is currently oversaturated. If Sabres can ever field a contender, the cash would easily follow in this town.
  13. And it was terrible. And the service was spotty at best. SoTier can only be a step up. I enjoy their brews and their spirits are not too shabby either. Good spot for them.
  14. Someone over paid and I’m glad it wasn’t us.
  15. How else are you supposed to make bleu cheese?
  16. For sure, never easy to lose our furry pals. My first girl Polly’s been gone 9 years and I will always miss her. We were so heartbroken we said it would be a while....and three weeks later Hank came home... And then he ate our couch, and we quickly learned about border collies the hard way. Just be glad you asked first lol!
  17. Amen. Fortunately, not knowing what we had gotten into we adapted to him quickly, we have a large fenced yard and are very active as far as exercise, running and hiking. He’s a maniac on the trails, loves it. We get tired before he does. We did a few months of basic agility lessons too, for his mental stimulation. He picked it up super quick, we built a couple jumps for the yard out of pvc, and he also jumps through a hoop. Not too big on fetch or tug, but we can get him riled and do some good zoomies around the yard. He was a southern dog, plucked from a kill shelter in NC by a WNY rescue. Poor feller had 24 hours “or else”...he was in the right place at the right time for a rescue. I guess he was a surrender, and they get put down immediately, whereas strays get a few days in case someone is looking for them. Awful, either way. He was fostered up here w german sheps before we adopted him, and he absolutely loves other dogs & people. Very sweet boy. We think he was “food baited”, he won’t eat his dish until you walk away, if you hover he gets nervous and won’t eat. Pretty sure he’s got some foxhound and maybe some beagle in him, but certainly mostly border.
  18. Here’s my homeys, Hank(border mix) & Elwood(shepherd mix)
  19. I currently have a border mix, we had no experience with the breed before. Absolutely needs daily exercise and mental stimulation. Super intelligent, lots of energy and will get bored and fixated on mischief quite easily if he doesn’t have exercise & tasks. Very athletic and agile dog, trained for half marathons w my wife, and can hike and hike the gorge trails for miles without tiring. He did not do well as an only dog. Lots of separation anxiety, and could not be crated. He busted out of the crate and wrecked shop several times. Even after it was reinforced w zip ties. Vet said no crate, he will outsmart it and/or hurt himself trying. Tried giving him a side room while we were at work, literally chewed through the door. Got him a brother and he’s been an angel ever since, his “job” is watching the other dog during the day.
  20. Only a double order of wings?? Amateur.
  21. And bring Captain Kirk along with him.
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