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Everything posted by 4_kidd_4

  1. “Revised” stadium study complete...with a nod to “economic factors”.... Sounds to me like we’re staying in OP for a while. https://www.wkbw.com/sports/buffalo-bills/pegula-sports-and-entertainment-revised-study-of-stadium-complete-will-share-findings-with-state-county
  2. Having season tickets for 16 years of the drought. The End.
  3. Felt a little hot/cold last night after first moderna dose but nothing too extreme. I did briefly get the chills when I went to bed. I guess I never truly experienced that before, without actually being cold. Second shot scheduled for April.
  4. Agree here, and also mostly just wanted to tell you that I *heart* your username.
  5. Just took the first jab, moderna. Healthcare worker, they offered it thru the office here.
  6. I like the simplicity of the name and the look. They should just keep it.
  7. You got it Boss Hogg
  8. Yeah, I think they know they screwed up by letting Brady walk and now they’re trying to buy their way out of it.
  9. 4_kidd_4

    Go Bonas!!!

    Bona. And then Bonnie left severely disappointed. I’ll show myself out.
  10. What is your ranch dressing policy? Asking for a friend.
  11. Pulling a “Major League”?? Any cardboard cutouts of Kim in the locker room?? 😂
  12. I met Marv when I was waiting tables way back, probably 2001ish. It was mid afternoon, really slow time between lunch and dinner. Wasn’t my table, so I waited until he and his wife finished their meal and paid their check. They were getting ready to leave and I approached, extending my hand for a handshake, told him thanks for all the good memories in Buffalo and that he was truly someone that I had looked up to. He shook my hand and said “Thank you young man, that’s quite a compliment!” in that unmistakable booming Marv voice. I was on cloud nine. I had never been that “starstruck” in my life. A very fond memory of a very fine gentleman.
  13. Sure why not, if the price is low enough.
  14. Just popped the hood...couple tiny mouse turds, no damage. Whew.
  15. Was this back when nickels had bees on them? “Gimme five bees for a quarter!”, you’d say.
  16. Do grown men really need to be told to “rest up, you have a big day tomorrow!”. No. No they do not.
  17. Yeah, and Marv also threw two TD’s & seven picks in those four games too I would say he was out coached in the first two and the team was entirely outmatched in both Cowboys losses. Either way, it’s history, and it’s very tough to compare different eras thirty years apart.
  18. Hey McClap has only been outcoached in one AFC Championship game so far. Let him at least blow his first Super Bowl before ya start measuring for his crown.
  19. Right. ”BoMBsHelL InTerViEwz!!!1!” Fudge outta here with that mulark.
  20. Froze my arse to a metal bench at Rich stadium watching the Browns & Bills slug it out in a classic “who wants it less” affair, November of Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Four. Was barely 9 years old. It’s been all downhill since.
  21. God save the one and only true Queen!!!
  22. I honestly wasn’t expecting much in the first place. It just wasn’t amusing. Not even in a nostalgic sort of way, and i’m a total 80s junkie. Except the barber shop guys. Should have just given them their own spin off movie and called it a day.
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