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Everything posted by 4_kidd_4

  1. I’m into it.
  2. Worked at a joint right around the corner from where he lived in Buffalo, he came in for brunch all summer. Super nice dude.
  3. Put it this way; I like whiskey. I like gin. I like my double IPAs. But every now and then, hmm *browses menu* yeah gimme that Frozen Banana Banshee To yr Nickelback point, like food, I’m not gonna argue w ppl. Someone doesn’t like tomatoes, welp I’m not gonna try to convince them that they do. I likes what I likes and vice versa.
  4. Is a lot of their stuff corny as f—?? Absolutely. But they have some great cuts on their first two records, and those albums were both before they really had commercial success in the states. Part of their appeal to me was their embrace of and by the “bordertown culture”. They had some truly epic performances at Sheas. I turned a lot of downstaters on to them when I was at UB in the 90s. For the most part, they’re just silly fun, and the live shows were incredibly entertaining. Lots of crowdplay and off-the-cuff improv. Any schmoe can play a tune, you gotta give the people a show. To me, I put showmanship up there w technical chops any day. They have both.
  5. Barenaked Ladies were great college music and always a really fun live show. Lots of great nostalgia from my college years And I’m not even ashamed of that statement. They’re all incredibly talented musicians, whether you care for their style or not. Saw them cover Beastie Boys “Shake Your Rump” and they tore it up, especially on the upright bass. 1. Rush 2. The Hip 3. BNL
  6. My 84 Ferguson jersey is my fave of my collection!
  7. Iconic.
  8. I just recently learned some of the cover to Rush’s ‘A Farewell To Kings’ was shot in Buffalo. But I also knew their cover to “Exit Stage Left” the crowd is from The Aud.
  9. I will say CFL has the goalposts right. The goal line isn’t at the back of the endzone. NFL never moves them and we win XXV
  10. Oof. 15 years ago me was definitely like “yeah that’s right you better stay down!!!” Mid-forties me is now like “oh that poor kid, that’s not good”. However, any time me is always like “eff Philly & eff you too Ken Hitchcock”.
  11. Same minus the chills. I have no stomach either rn. Runnin on coffee and a banana. No desire for anything more yet.
  12. Well that’s just a neato torpedo! Fanbase is still annoying.
  13. Don’t mind the Yanks as a franchise, but the entitled fanbase gets old fast. Go Royals!
  14. Slept solid last night from 11-5:30, felt a little warm at times, but no elevated temp. Slightly groggy this morning, and a very very mild tickle in my throat. But all in all, I feel fine. I think I had more of a reaction to the first shot, honestly. And that was still very mild as well.
  15. Got my second moderna jab around 12:30pm today....this suspense is killin me!! 😆 Arm seems to be getting sore quicker this time. Other than that, nothing else yet...
  16. Wife and I can have a great time anywhere we go, and Cleveland is no exception. It’s similar to Buffalo, everything is only 15 mins from wherever you are. I forget the name of the neighborhood we liked the most, “Marketside” or “Ohio City” perhaps? Had a cool Allentown vibe to it. Had beers and some grub at a place called Nanobrew, more beers at Great Lakes Brewery & Market Garden brewing, then got some street tix for the Indians game that afternoon. And more beers there
  17. A little easier on the eyes than their last few getups. Looks like they cleaned up some mismatched lines & toned down the stripes a little. That said, I never really cared for their look, in any iteration. The helmets are solid design, but the tiger print on the rest of the uniform always seemed a like a little too much.
  18. bacon, egg & cheddar on sourdough with raspberry preserve.
  19. Did he not talk to Jim McMahon first???
  20. BOOOOOOO! I love it.
  21. Dang, hope it doesn’t fold. Was definitely going to try to make it to a Ti-Cats game at their new barn at some point.
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