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Everything posted by 4_kidd_4

  1. Sal is knowledgeable but his voice is so friggin' grating.
  2. Yes. No idea why this is so difficult to grasp. There is a long-term plan. Shocking, I know. But it's actually looking pretty cohesive right now. Slow change instead of panic picks and dumping money on temporary fixes. What a concept!
  3. We're gonna somehow draft CJ Spiller again.
  4. Nice list. Laphroaig is an acquired taste, and you can also acquire one square foot of their land. To answer OP, playoff pucks. Watching the draft is like watching paint dry.
  5. At the very least, I don't remember Ralph ever getting butthurt over the Buffalo News.
  6. My body is still rejecting the change.
  7. Man. I thought I had a crazy mix, Polish/Lebanese/Italian. Good food all around, though.
  8. Bring back Mizlou SNN.
  9. sassabees is asian?
  10. Take note, NFL. Times are changing. People aren't blindly forking over cash for hype anymore.
  11. Who cares about tunes as long at there's inspirational and motivational cliches slapped up everywhere? Is it playoff caliber music? Do they listen like a Bill?
  12. I made and posted the image back on the BBMB, but it was someone else's quote.
  13. "2017 Buffalo Bills- I Dare You To Find Six Wins On Our Schedule". "2017 Buffalo Bills- We Punted Well". "2017 Buffalo Bills- What Drought? It's Only Been Three Years!".
  14. Trust me, my mettle has been tested the last few years. There's been several december games where I've definitively stated "this is the sunday the streak ends"....and then around 11:00 I'm like "this isn't right...must...head....to OP...." So I've taken several last minute rides by myself, found a $10 lot and walked over to our usual tailgate corner. And the other tailgate loyalists are always like "yeah yeah, we've been waiting for you", haha. They know me too well.
  15. Chris Brown, lolz.
  16. Not absolving Ralph, but I feel Donahoe's ego played a big part in his demise here. Plus, yanno, the JP Losman pick doesn't exactly make one think "good football mind".
  17. This is definitely impressive. You have to keep in mind, most of us have forgotten what truly good football people look like, and how they operate. Russ Brandon and Marv Levy were both GM's here. That actually happened. How far back do we have to go here to find a good front office football mind? Polian? Maybe Butler?
  18. Wow, the parallels are uncanny. We started with 20 guys in '03, we are currently down to 4. Used to be the first ones in the lot by 7am, now we meet around 8 and shoot for the lots at 8:30-9. Same as you, some of the old gang will come to a game or two, tailgate and swing by our seats during the game. I'm the most dedicated guy in the group and like I said, the energy gets a little lower every passsing year. Circle of life.
  19. I was young when this streak started, but am heading in the direction you took. Running out of gasoline as a fan. I'm hooked on the ritual and the companions, not on the team.
  20. All 8 home games this year, will put me at 100 in a row. Sitting at 92 right now. Haven't missed a home game since Nov 2004. I'm more ashamed than proud of this streak
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