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Everything posted by 4_kidd_4

  1. Yeah we could move our spot to better seats, but after 15 years it's like a friendly neighborhood in our section. Plus if we moved we'd have to make new nicknames for all the people we don't know. Best current ones are "Stinkeye", "Sister Stinkeye", and "The F-U Lady". It's the little things...
  2. There's not a bad seat in the house, honestly. I've sat all over. Just depends what you want to see. Upper deck, 200's, good midfield look at the entire play. I sit in 125, corner tunnel end, about 30 rows up. I like watching the play develop from behind the lines. When we are going the other way on O it's pretty nice watching oline timing on their blocks, especially pulling guards popping someone around the end. Depth can be a little tricky but I'm used to it after so many seasons(just watch the line judge for the spot). When O is coming our way, nothing like a TD in our corner heading right for us.
  3. He gets stronger every time someone puts an asterisk next to "Patriots".
  4. I go to one preseason. Usually take the nieces and nephews, the rest of the ticket crew gives me theirs, or gives them to whoever wants to take their kids. Truth though, I've tried to give away extras at the stadium on several occasions, even got shooed away from near the ticket window once. Never had any takers as most groups are like 'we already have extras we can't get rid of'.
  5. Just walk around the lots before preseason games, people are literally giving them away.
  6. Nah, he already doodles "Kim Brandon" and "Russ Pegula" on all his notebooks...
  7. When I was doing the restaurant thing, showing up baked was pretty much a given. That was my 20's. 20 years later, I work in healthcare, attention to detail is key. That's the last place I'd want to be high. It's a personality/maturity/responsibility issue. Grass was just as illegal when I was bartending. I just didn't care that much about potentially messing up a Jack and Coke.
  8. 'Reformed homer', ha that's good to admit! I think a lot of people are in "show me" mode. Not too high on the hype, not to low on the outlook...just "show me". I know I am.
  9. Just like a draft class, this will take a few seasons to prove either way.
  10. But did you two get a selfie with your server at Hooters?
  11. I've embraced the drought. It's part of the identity. I might be a bit sad if/when it ever ends. I am one with the drought, the drought is with me...
  12. Worlds are colliding! You're killing independent Teef!!
  13. I'll take "Beews" over "JagWIRES" any day.
  14. This is a fair and valid point.
  15. Likely for a meaningless game. I guess they want the kids to get the true Buffalo Bills experience.
  16. Especially since you're an American Girl.
  17. Seems par for the course here in Pegulaville. Yeah, nothing like dragging the entire fam out in the December cold, as opposed to a mild August saturday. Good gravy, these franchises...
  18. You'd be ornery too if you drank that Blue crapola.
  19. Yeah buddy, Galaga and Ms. Pacman too.
  20. You could probably just stand there and catch a buzz. Funny story, two seasons ago had my nephew w me, he was 11 (for the record I stay 100% sober when I take the kids, not even one beer. I enjoy their company more than any buzz). Anyhow, the dank odor kept wafting over and he's like "ew! what's that smell? I smell it and then it goes away, but then it comes back!", and I'm like "don't know pal, weird right??" Fwd to last season, he's 12. The dank wafts over again and the kid's like "you guys smell that WEED?". What a difference a year makes.
  21. Several therapy sessions a day at my tailgate corner every sunday. No appointment necessary.
  22. Beer at a liquor store? Now I've seen it all!
  23. psh this poser with his muppet avatar. FAKE FAN.
  24. ooh a 'not' shot. this is getting spicy!!!
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