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Everything posted by 4_kidd_4

  1. Same here. Plus Hulu. I get CBC in HD too, great for HNIC on those January saturday nights. And their playoff coverage is fantastic. Reg season NHL is 'meh', but once playoffs start I can't get enough.
  2. Over/under on "right direction"?
  3. Just read that Twitter is losing US users. Stock dropped by 10%, and it's already affecting their ad sales. Somewhat relevant to this conversation. Personally, all I 'care' about is Bills games. As long as they keep coming in on the HD antenna, I'm good. I'm not paying a premium for sports channels. In fact, I'm not paying for cable/dtv at all anymore.
  4. 5-11. Do you accept third-party, out of state bad checks?
  5. What's on the tailgate menu? Priorities.
  6. That's where I draw the line.
  7. For those hung up on the selection bias, from the NYT article;
  8. You guys remember Alf? He's back...in pog form!
  9. Yeah, that's right, just, uh, roll her old bones on over here, and I'll dig up your daughter.
  10. If anyone needs a spare for the 8/31 game, you can have mine.
  11. Waiting on some "Girl Scout Cookies" myself. Great time of year.
  12. Yeah, a broader study is needed, no question. The selection bias exists because the subjects were mostly, if not all, showing signs and symptoms while living. No one 'donated' a subject that wasn't showing signs.
  13. Triggered? I agree a 'control group' or other comparisons would be helpful, but it still wouldn't change the fact that this particular group of brains already studied were rife with CTE.
  14. Sal wins, he got your goat.
  15. Is Sunday Ticket free for season ticket holders?
  16. I love you CFL. Like, a lot.
  17. Second half of the comeback game, from my personal experience. Nothing's come close since.
  18. Got my season tix package in the mail today, just an FYI for fellow tix holders to keep your eyes peeled. The card is still not as exciting as the old-school ticket book. However, this year's schedule magnet can double as a picture frame. Pegulaville!
  19. Psh, as long as he's wearing pants with it he's not fully committed to the "Donald Duck" look. Imagine that, MD not fully committed....
  20. He's got 'best dressed' on lock.
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