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Everything posted by 4_kidd_4

  1. Tried the NYC thing right after college myself. It sucked. Three paychecks a month just towards rent in a tiny sweatbox. Second job to make some tips. Wasn't worth it at all imo to live in an overcrowded, overpriced, overhyped city. Made me appreciate the people and the vibe of WNY all that much more.
  2. Meant to link the article. Here ya go, it's from 2013; http://www.theofficialreview.com/nfl-cross-ownership-rules/ Also, from an article about our Bills being up for sale; https://www.buffalorumblings.com/bills-news-notes/2014/3/26/5548174/nfl-ownership-rules-buffalo-bills-sale-ralph-wilson "Cross-ownership rule Team owners are now allowed to own teams in multiple major sporting leagues, but those teams need to be in the same city (unless there is no NFL team in the other city). Buffalo native Jeremy Jacobs owns the Boston Bruins, but would have to sell that team in order to become the majority owner of the Bills. Seattle Seahawks owner Paul Allen can also own the Portland Trailblazers because Portland doesn't have an NFL market. Ironically, this rule change was opposed by Ralph Wilson in 1997, when NFL owners lifted restrictions on other sports' owners from purchasing an NFL franchise. To that point, NFL owners collectively wanted their team owners concentrating on football."
  3. It's different cities, fellas. "In the aftermath of the 1980s antitrust litigation, the League operated as if the cross-ownership ban was still in effect, but authorized occasional exceptions (e.g., permitting Wayne Huizenga to own both the Miami Dolphins and Florida Marlins, and permitting Paul Allen to own both the Seattle Seahawks and Portland Trail Blazers). The League codified this approach in an amendment to its Constitution and Bylaws that allows cross-ownership in another major league sports team in two narrow circumstances: (1) if the two franchises are in the same city, or (2) if the other leagues franchise is in a neutral market, defined as one that doesnt currently host an NFL team and is not deemed a potential NFL city."
  4. Clickbait! Don't look! But here's the link. Ha. Point! Florio!
  5. That one guy that shows up, throws a bag of plain Lay's on the table as his 'contribution', and then helps himself to most of my whiskey. You know who you are.
  6. Getting all set up at the tailgate for fryer week...and no one brought the propane. Nightmare.
  7. All them rich bartenders out there had better look out! "Just gimme a Miller Lite and a reason, 'Moneybags'!!!"
  8. Case in point, my father-in-law and his GF. Never drank a drop, never took a puff. Both prescribed opiods for pain a few years ago, they are now both hooked and both absolute messes. It's sad. He's a 'Nam vet, motorhead kinda guy. Was always working in the garage or the yard, or showing up at our place to randomly tune up the ride-on or some other such retired guy futzing. These days? It's scary how hooked they are. We didn't know what was happening at first, but started going down the checklist of addiction. They hit every bullet point. They are completely different people now. It all started with a legal prescription.
  9. I would have just dropped it and blamed God anyways.
  10. Also, this entire thread reminds me of that one roommate I had in college that would come home from the bars at 3am, stumble into the room and call us 'pothead losers' for being high and playing Mortal Kombat on Genesis. He'd then nuke a hot pocket and forget about it, pass out and then puke all over his bed in his sleep. Good stuff.
  11. Yep. In fact at the time the nomenclature was changed from 'canabis' to 'marihuana' to make it sound foreign and dirty. As far as 'mellow', different strains have different effects. Some stuff parks you on the couch, and other stuff makes you clean the entire house.
  12. I think EJ is what you might want in a backup. Hard worker, says the right things, team guy etc. That said, I'm glad he's another team's backup and not ours. Perhaps a change of scenery will help, but I don't see him being a first option starter in the league again. CJ I think is too raw to judge at this point.
  13. I don't know you, but I love your moxie. Nice work.
  14. If you want to get technical it was both. Oakland Seals too, for a season or two. I love 60's/70's pro-hockey trivia. Between NHL expansion and WHA it was certainly an interesting era.
  15. Oh, the humanity! Thank goodness we protect the youth from such visible displays of sheer barbarism in today's NFL! I mean, he went to the ground in celebration! THE GROUND!
  16. I'll go on record for 5-11, but i'm not in on the pool. Seems like a logistical nightmare. If I "hit", I'll pat myself on the back and say "there's always next year!". If I'm wrong, I'll donate $50 each to both Community Mission Niagara Falls, and Food Bank of WNY, and post proof.
  17. The classic blacks looked sharp. Old school. Whatev though, it'll all look good if they win.
  18. Yeah, I've had seasons for 15 years so I can leave the games. Mellow up, Lloyd.
  19. Pool, and a pond. Pond would be good for you.
  20. Oh, you must drink the good stuff.
  21. A little bit of water actually opens up flavors and aromas. "You are hereby absolved of the faux-macho insistence that you drink your whiskys neat." http://www.mensjournal.com/food-drink/drinks/how-when-why-you-should-add-water-to-your-whiskey-20150505
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