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Everything posted by 4_kidd_4

  1. Can we trade the Sabres for the Jays? We get MLB, they get a second NHL franchise. Win/win.
  2. It’s the rule book definition of charging. To the letter.
  3. Habs steal home ice again!
  4. Very nice. Wife and I already do organic gardening, but we’ll give this a look.
  5. Habs over Jets in 7 again!!!
  6. I got em too, we used to have a bar in the family and a bunch of Bills would occasionally come in. Now I gotta dig out that old scrapbook!
  7. Well the series certainly got way more interesting! Good to see fans in the barn last night too.
  8. You try callin’ Esther Gulyas???
  9. Some of the newer bathrooms added during the last big remodel are actually quite clean and spacious. Gotta know where to look to find em! They unfortunately don’t truly capture the whole classic “piss in the sink” vibe.
  10. Filed end of Jan had it direct deposit within two weeks, sucka!
  11. Yep. A little disappointing for sure. Montreal is 0 for the series on the PP. Blech.
  12. The “A Super Bowl In Baaaffaloo!!!” is always my favorite spicy new stadium take *chef kiss*
  13. Lost respect for Gretzky when he cow towed to the NHL when Brett Hull’s foot was in the crease in 99. Good to see NHL getting more TV in the states though.
  14. Habs smacked around again last night. Oh well at least it was a fun game 1 😆
  15. Definitely. However, I would still strongly advise against eating those giant mints.
  16. I hear they’re retrofitting all men’s rooms to one big sink-toilet each.
  17. I can hear that. Gave it all a couple listens, pretty good, not great. Definitely their sound from that prime Hip era. Definitely appreciate that it’s finished tracks from back then and not rehashed and remade after the fact.
  18. More tix being released thursday, adding capacity to vaxxed sections.
  19. Leafs took em to the woodshed last night.
  20. Bob Cole, Harry Neale & Dick Irvin were my fave lineup. And unfortunately CBC let the original HNIC theme song go, they didn’t want to pay up a few years back I guess. Too bad, it’s a classic!!
  21. Man I used to be such a dyngus when I was 25. I mean, I still am, but I used to be too.
  22. @DrDawkinstein I’ll def give a listen later. So these were all completed back then, and not some tracks that they decided to finish after Gordie baby passed?
  23. Amen brother. Saw them at Towne Ballroom in ‘04. Absolutely delivered. Did my favorite that night too, “Sugar Kane”! Then we saw Thurston running to the bus out back afterwards and he said “Hey guys”. Whoa!! 😂
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