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Everything posted by TheElectricCompany

  1. He's finished the last 4 seasons with ~ 1200 yards and 6 TDs. Do you think you can acquire the guy for a ham sandwich or something? They're not going to get rid of him for a low pick. The $11-13 million isn't even that bad. AJ Green, DT, Dez Bryant and Julio Jones are all in the $13-15 million annual range.
  2. Trust the process ?????? What a terrible team. I feel for Browns fans. They're going to be bottom feeders for a while.
  3. They need to relegate this team to the Big10.
  4. I don't associate character with wanting a better paycheck. Elite players hold out for cash every year. Emmitt Smith, Bruce, Biscuit, Eric Dickerson, Aaron Donald, etc etc. He knew he was worth a ton of money, and you know what? He was right. We traded away a true franchise LT that will be in the HOF some day. Wood isn't some bum, but we got the short end of that deal.
  5. He's a big hunter too, maybe he'll be down at Hunters Haven someday!
  6. Glad I'm not the only one who feels that way!
  7. Mannings team would have been in, not a concern. That offense was ridiculous. NBC had quite the sloberfest whenever they met in the playoffs, it be even worse if it was a divisional matchup. I think Luck is very overrated and only has a postseason record since the division was terrible for years.
  8. Or straight up suspend him for making those comments on social media.
  9. TY is the best player on the team, and one of the best deep threats in the game. He shouldn't be pointing fingers like that, but I thought the article was overly critical of him. The same problems Manning dealt with for a decade still effect the Colts to this day. Garbage offensive line, terrible defense and subpar coaching.
  10. That's now two teams that couldn't figure out to use Sammy... Interesting how he's so talented, but nobody can get him the ball! I wish him luck, but man, I'm glad we got currency for him when we did.
  11. I really don't think he's a terrible, they were a post season team last year. It is painfully obvious that the poor drafts that have yielded nothing outside of OBJ on offense and that overpaid defense is underwhelming. Father Time looks like it has gotten to Eli. Maybe he should get on the Tom Brady diet... You can put some of that on the coach, but not all of it.
  12. It's going to get worse when Broncos D gets their shot at them. Bummed OBJ is out, love watching him play!
  13. I can only do 3 days there, and that's spending a good chunk of one day out at Red Rock Canyon. Beautiful place, nice hiking. I've always wanted to catch a big powder day at Lee Canyon ski area, only 50 minutes north. Snowboard Las Vegas! I enjoyed sitting on the Bellagio with a tallboy Coors in hand, watching the fountains with my fellow tourons.
  14. If every meat eating family had to kill and butcher one animal in their lifetime, I wonder if that would 1) create more vegetarians and 2) cut down on food waste ???
  15. This guy again? Geezus. Peterman your cousin or your brother?
  16. It would be much, much more controversial. I think it was proven by Tim Tebow, people do NOT like religious demonstration in sports, even if you're a choir boy. The social media lynch mob would be out in force, more than what you've seen against the kneelers.
  17. Kaepernick just isn't worth it for the teams, that much is clear. If he was a better QB, no question, he would be employed. The NFL is not exactly a church group. Talent trumps all. I think many of the players are getting involved and creating change, Brandon Marshall met with the Denver PD Chief last year and there was review of their use of force policy from that conversation.
  18. Very true, but I'm sure the players also expected much of this military backlash. I think much of the backlash is based on jealousy. Von Miller was the highest paid player who kneeled yesterday. He makes more money per game than many families will make in 15 years. Many Americans feel that voicing their opinion on political topics, especially in a controversial way, at their business/employer would have severe repercussions. It's very possible that doing this "on the clock" would result in penalties for Joe Citizen with many replacements available. For Von Miller? There is literally no replacement for him out there on the streets. There are maybe 2 other people in the world that could do what he does as a pass rushing LB. Von will never go hungry or be out of work as long as he wants to play this game. It speaks alot to the state of political conversation in this country when people feel they can't have reasonable discussion about matters that are important to them. Anyway, I do support the message, but I think there are better ways for top tier athletes to unite and create the change they want to see in the world then "stirring the pot" by protesting during the anthem.
  19. Yep. However, choosing that time guarantees very strong backlash. In my opinion, that backlash waters down their message. I wonder how many players knew it was Gold Star Families Day?
  20. If an eruption is imminent, we'll have plenty of warning. The ash fallout will cover 1/3 of the country. It will be messy - better stock up on canned food!
  21. Solid performance! We found ways to make plays in the passing game and capitalized on all of their turnovers.
  22. Do you think this wasn't something they anticipated? Clearly Sammy isn't some bum, the guy has some talent to work with! They moved him because he wasn't a part of their plan. Now, you can debate the merits of that, but I think it's obvious McD and Beane feel like he'll equal wins or be worth the investment of a big contract. That 2nd rounder will go to a different position that means more to their football team.
  23. Yes, based on all the big plays he has generated in years 1 & 2, he's certainly got Tyreek Hill abilities.
  24. GM & Coach structures differ based on the organization. Who has the final say on the 53 man roster, draft picks, contracts and trades? You can't compare what Andy Reid and Belichick have, compared to John Fox and Ryan Pace, who didn't even tell Fox he was drafting Trubisky until an hour before! I'd like to think both GMs and coaches are C-level guys. Kubiak/Dennison's system is best ran by a mobile QB with great arm strength. Bootlegs, play action, moving pocket, zone blocking, quick screens (easy throws!). Not sure how Tyrod doesn't fit, especially given the chatter than he was pursued aggressively by Kubiak in Denver. Tyrod's just not a great QB, no scheme can cover that up.
  25. Reverses take lots of time to develop, are deep in the backfield, and you're running the entire width of the field. Are Jordan Matthews or Zay Jones going to beat defenders to the sideline? Nope.
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