I keep it simple with deer meat, sear the backstraps with some onions and butter, quarters go into the crockpot. I grew up in a hunting family and if there's a way to cook deer, we've tried it.
We've got about 1/2 an elk from muzzleloader season in the freezer and everything has been outstanding. I think they blow deer out of the water. Backstrap is seared HOT and then into the oven at 450 to finish. Neck meat is cooked low and slow in the crockpot, then shredded for tacos. We grind up most of the front shoulder for breakfast sausage, then the rear quarters were cut in 2-8 lb chunks. The smaller cuts are excellent as steaks (We call 'em Q-Cuts), but the larger pieces will go on the kamado for 8 hours, cooked like a top round for elk on weck sandwiches.