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Everything posted by TheElectricCompany

  1. He's not just an elite RB. He is better receiver than many #2s, and several #1s. Sammy Watkins just got $16m per year, and Bell has more receiving yards than him the past two seasons!
  2. If we're dreaming, the ultimate breakfast is ciabatta top with cheese, prosciutto, arugula, poached egg, balsamic and hollandaise sauce. Breakfast burrito works pretty good too. Crappy sauce over a weak ass dough? Get outta here.
  3. That's a sad looking slice. Almost looks as bad a tomato pie!
  4. She's like fine wine, getting better with age.
  5. The wall that Mexico is paying for, right? The wall will never be built.
  6. Because the president wants a wall, and he's not budging on any immigration change unless he gets the billions needed to fund it.
  7. Yawn. It's mid June, only thing that's happened is a few practices in shorts. Let's see what happens in training camp.
  8. Still hasn't thrown a real football. Saying he has a noodle arm would be quite the compliment.
  9. One of my favorite quotes from the Office: "I wish there was a way to know you are in the good old days before you leave them"
  10. Don't let it get to you, some people are just loco and defy reason.
  11. A protest fueled by a dozen teenagers getting mowed down while sitting in their classroom. Anti 2nd Amendment? Maybe. We all have our opinions on what needs to happen next to minimize school shootings. I think better enforcement of existing firearms legislation, and possibly some new ones, are a small part of the solution. I'll just have to bow out. Once this turned into "inner city black people are the problem", I stand no change.
  12. Andrew Luck was hyped as the best prospect since Elway. He's not even the best QB of his draft class. He's proven to be a good QB. Not elite, maybe great under some definitions, but I'd argue good (top 8-16, depending on year) Stafford has a bit of Jay Cutler to him, it's never good enough. Front office issues, bad coaching, terrible scheme, lack of playmakers, blah blah blah. He puts up good stats but it never clicks. Great QB to get you to 9-7, where you might sneak in a wildcard.
  13. It plays a factor, but I would argue that the education system is the #1 factor. There are some major differences in quality of educators, athletic programs, music programs and facilities between city schools and wealthier suburbs, at no fault of the kid. Look what happened in Baltimore. 60 schools couldn't even heat their buildings properly this winter. Think that happens in some nicer areas outside the city ? Nope.
  14. Private school has nothing to do with this. Let's take WNY. Clarence HS had a 94% grad rate in 2016. Buffalo city schools were at 64% (interesting, they were in the high 40s not too long ago). Can individuals get past it? Sure, but the odds aren't in their favor, which is pretty much the point.
  15. Blanket statements like that don't help the conversation. Are some experts misguided, or placing too much faith in questionable evidence? Absolutely. Some some experts spot on and offering up effective solutions? Absolutely.
  16. Simple in concept, challenging in execution.
  17. He hasn't thrown a football in 18 months, and we are 3 months from the season kickoff. I just don't see a scenario where he could play 2018 at a level that is consistent with 2012-2014 production. Luck is a poor mans Matt Stafford.
  18. Schools are not created equal. Not every kid gets to go to the nice districts with new computers and athletic programs. Yep. Tough one to solve, that may take generations to correct. Ask 10 experts on what causes it, and you'll get 10 different answers. Very complicated.
  19. They are many factors and no easy answers. I was in social work for a few years; I would say family structure, education, poverty, drugs or alcohol abuse and mental health all play a part. My bottom line? Incarceration and recidivism rates are all extremely high, and we need to start working on solutions. While I often disagree with the platform (I think peaceful demonstrations outside city hall or police HQ would be more impactful), I don't disagree with the messages Jenkins and others have brought up.
  20. If he plays, I think this is a preview for how Luck's season goes Dude has been overhyped for years.
  21. The media certainly plays a part, as does the current president and lame duck representatives in Congress. So do we. Generally, people are disengaged from politics and uninterested in having tough conversations about how to improve things. There is no easy answer.
  22. Not my girl. What do you know of my political views? I'm not getting into "what if scenarios". Sports are getting political because the status quo is no longer good enough, and things need to change. Do you think Malcolm Jenkins was blowing smoke yesterday when he talked about youth incarceration rates?
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