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Everything posted by TheElectricCompany

  1. Original Chick Fil-A / Dwarf House is both cool & creepy
  2. Buffalo is certainly unique, and the love for the Bills is unconditional. I was just back in town for a week. While I see many things that reinforce why I left, I see other things that I miss (beef on weck is not THAT hard, why other cities don't have it blows my mind) , and signs of hope & change on the horizon. Glad you had fun!
  3. There is no guarantee of that. We have no way to predict the draft board and where the value will be in free agency. It's great in theory though.
  4. Your best player has to play. If Allen is the better player, he needs to start, period. The OL should have nothing to do with it.
  5. Productive players with accolades never come cheap, that's why they don't move. There are occasionally exceptions (ex. Marcus Peters for a 2019 2nd and a 4th, Jarvis Landry for a 2018 4th), but in general, you're going to put up some big currency to get them. Remember when there was chatter about OBJ getting moved? Giants wanted 2 1st rounders just to start the conversation.
  6. If it only took a 1st round pick to get the deal done, you make that trade in a second. Let's not put draft picks on a pedestal. What do you think the odds are that you'll find a perennial All Pro pass rusher in the 1st round? It's not that high.
  7. I've never heard Buffalo described as "Labatt Blue filled warehouses and drunks pissing in snowbanks". I thought it was a pretty solid version. The Denver one left much to be desired. They could have picked on the region and city WAY more than they did.
  8. That's a good way of approaching it. Nobody really knows they are talking about.
  9. That is an inaccurate statement. There are several models that have attempted to quantify a prospects floor and ceiling in the NFL. See Qbase. Of course, the whole thing hinges on college football stats, so if you don't look good on paper, you're screwed. Sure, and when teams are playing to win, and not to evaluate, it becomes much more complex. We'll find out in 3 weeks just what we're working with.
  10. Good for Allen, making strides is all you can ask for. I'm a bit skeptical though. His pre draft accuracy issues were well documented. You're telling me it was mainly footwork that caused it, and he fixed it in a summer? Doesn't pass the smell test.
  11. Years ago, I saw the Music of Led Zeppelin with the Buffalo Philharmonic. It was incredible. There are a few great Dead tribute bands, but there an awful lot of bad ones. Too many crusty old hippies who can't even strum an A chord in time.
  12. San Francisco and "little known"....huh?
  13. Some additional "unknown" ski areas... Wolf Creek - not the best terrain (short pitches to flat), but they get a ton of snow and nobody goes there. We had a 14" pow day there a few years ago and there may have been a dozen people lined up for first chair, most of whom were in carharts. Powder Mtn - massive and spread out, great snow. They cap lift tickets and seasons pass purchases so it is never crowded. A good change of pace from the Cottonwood madness. Monarch Mtn - a bit small and short, but they get great snow and nobody skis the trees.
  14. Yep, we've gone during guided season. It's worth every penny. You will have to make your reservation in summer or fall. 99% of runs require a 5-90 minute hike beyond the chairlift, so bring your A-game. The terrain is incredible. Telluride and Crested Butte are the two most scenic hills I've been too, with Silverton in third.
  15. RE: Preseason, I think there are simply too many variables to make any concrete conclusions. Remember when EJ Manuel lit it up and Aaron Maybin actually sacked the QB? Start him Week 1 and tell him to hand it off to Shady 25 times.
  16. Targhee & Revy I'll give you, but Telluride is pretty well known, it's just a PITA to get there. Next time you are in SWCO, head to Silverton Mountain. There are countless "little known" backcountry in the West. If it's not in Backpacker or Outside, you're good to go. My #1 is a certain bar on the Mirror Lake Hwy in Utah.
  17. Amazon may have brought the death blow, but Toys R Us didn't do themselves any favors. In the scenario that they turned those into retail locations, what % of their income would come from those stores, 2-3%? A drop in the bucket.
  18. And they are never coming back. Retail is next on the chopping block.
  19. Old farts selling $1M properties elsewhere and downsizing to $100K properties in Greece are a pretty small slice of the pie. There are dozens of reasons people live places, but I'm struggling with "taxes" being a #1 reason. Family, friends, amenities, weather, career and culture all are top factors.
  20. He was hyped as the next Elway. He's certainly fallen short. He's an above average QB, but I can't call him great or elite yet.
  21. While taxes in WNY do suck, I don't think that can be a primary reason for living elsewhere. I know plenty of people who have left and taxes were never the tipping point.
  22. More of an excuse to stay inside, drink a bottle of wine and put on some James Brown.
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